c++ Programming Glossary: slowing
wrapping #includes in #ifndef's - adds any value? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1021357/wrapping-includes-in-ifndefs-adds-any-value if it helps. Use precompiled headers if all this really is slowing things down. Ignore it but don't use the guards for new files..
Is there any way to force the WorkingSet of a process to be 1GB in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12228321/is-there-any-way-to-force-the-workingset-of-a-process-to-be-1gb-in-c applications is writing bad managed code not the GC slowing you down. Improve the big O performance of your algorithms offload..
Which has been the most reliable, fastest Windows C++ profiler that you have used? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2308026/which-has-been-the-most-reliable-fastest-windows-c-profiler-that-you-have-use rolled. You don't want too much coverage or you end up slowing the code down but with a small data set you need to be very..
Microsecond resolution timestamps on Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2414359/microsecond-resolution-timestamps-on-windows general behave strangely reporting negative elapsed times slowing down etc. not just your application. This means that you can..
Good hash function for a 2d index http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2634690/good-hash-function-for-a-2d-index now I use a set of points but repeated lookups are really slowing things down. I want to switch to an unordered_set . So I want..
C/C++ URL decode library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2673207/c-c-url-decode-library encoded strings and while it works at that scale it was slowing my program down horribly so I decided to write a faster version...
::std::vector::at() vs operator[] << surprising results!! 5 to 10 times slower/faster! http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3269809/stdvectorat-vs-operator-surprising-results-5-to-10-times-slower-f got me to realize that at has boundary checking. Ok but slowing the operation by up to 10 times Is there any reason for that..
What techniques can be used to speed up C++ compilation times? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/373142/what-techniques-can-be-used-to-speed-up-c-compilation-times they need to be. The IO streams are particularly known for slowing down builds. If you need them in a header file try #including..
Beyond Stack Sampling: C++ Profilers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4394606/beyond-stack-sampling-c-profilers sections of code. In short what ever piece of code is slowing your application will standout. So use a time sampling profiler..
Can multithreading speed up memory allocation? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4859263/can-multithreading-speed-up-memory-allocation the maximum processing time when the program runs and is slowing down the entire program. One way I can speed up the system could..
Why would I prefer using vector to deque http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5345152/why-would-i-prefer-using-vector-to-deque of vector may lead to unnecessary heap fragmentation slowing down calls to new . Also as pointed out elsewhere on StackOverflow..
C++ ifstream.getline() significantly slower than Java's BufferedReader.readLine()? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6820765/c-ifstream-getline-significantly-slower-than-javas-bufferedreader-readline One thought is the stdio synchronization might be slowing you down. That can be turned off. I don't know if that would..
Why does tm_sec range from 0-60 instead of 0-59 in time.h? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/765778/why-does-tm-sec-range-from-0-60-instead-of-0-59-in-time-h
C++ super fast thread-safe rand function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8285067/c-super-fast-thread-safe-rand-function is seriously bottle necking my program. Specifically its slowing me by 3X when run serialy and 4.4X when run on 16 cores. rand..
std::lower_bound slower for std::vector than std::map::find http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8784732/stdlower-bound-slower-for-stdvector-than-stdmapfind be faster. My only thought is the predicate is somehow slowing it down but I can't figure out how. So the question is How could..