c++ Programming Glossary: socket_
Boost async_* functions and shared_ptr's http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11356742/boost-async-functions-and-shared-ptrs question void Connection Receive boost asio async_read socket_ boost asio buffer this read_buffer_ boost bind Connection handle_Receive..
Code::Blocks and Boost Asio. It just wont work [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11497160/codeblocks-and-boost-asio-it-just-wont-work reference to 'WSAStartup@0' boost asio detail impl socket_ops.ipps 50 undefined reference to 'WSASetLastError@4' boost.. reference to 'WSASetLastError@4' boost asio detail impl socket_ops.ipps 178 undefined reference to 'GetAcceptExSockaddrs@32'.. to 'GetAcceptExSockaddrs@32' boost asio detail impl socket_ops.ipps 296 undefined reference to 'closesocket@4' Here is the..
Why do I need strand per connection when using boost::asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12794107/why-do-i-need-strand-per-connection-when-using-boostasio result boost asio async_write ... handle_write else socket_.async_read_some ... handle_read ' . ' V void handle_write.. of concurrent execution of the handlers or operations on socket_ it is said to be running in an implicit strand. While it does.. not affect the strand in which async_receive is executed. socket_.async_receive read_buffer_ handle_read This is not running within..
Using SSL sockets and non-SSL sockets simultaneously in Boost.Asio? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4720120/using-ssl-sockets-and-non-ssl-sockets-simultaneously-in-boost-asio asio io_service io_service boost asio ssl context context socket_ io_service secureSocket_ io_service context private boost asio.. io_service context private boost asio ip tcp socket socket_ boost asio ssl stream boost asio ip tcp socket secureSocket_.. And within there are a bunch of handlers that reference socket_ . For example I have socket_.is_open in several places which..
boost::asio async_read guarantee all bytes are read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4933610/boostasio-async-read-guarantee-all-bytes-are-read queue_handler std fill buff.begin buff.end 0 socket_.async_receive boost asio buffer buff boost bind tcp_connection.. boost asio placeholders error boost asio async_read socket_ boost asio buffer buff boost bind tcp_connection handle_read..
HTTPS request with Boost.Asio and OpenSSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7046370/https-request-with-boost-asio-and-openssl has no problem with it when visiting the ticker page . socket_.set_verify_mode boost asio ssl context verify_none This is the.. Accept Encoding r n request_ r n boost asio async_write socket_ boost asio buffer request_.str boost bind client handle_write..
tidy code for asynchronous IO http://stackoverflow.com/questions/883156/tidy-code-for-asynchronous-io handles this class connection boost asio ip tcp socket socket_ public void run for variable length chunks async_read_until.. void run for variable length chunks async_read_until socket_ resizable_buffer ' n' boost bind run on_line_recieved this.. this errorplacehplder or constant length chunks async_read socket_ buffer some_buf buf_size boost bind run on_line_recieved this..