c++ Programming Glossary: signal.h
Why can't Codan find size_t http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10095295/why-cant-codan-find-size-t cstdarg stdarg.h stddef.h sys resource.h ctime sys types.h signal.h cstdio If there is something else in there try replacing it..
cstdio stdio.h namespace http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10460250/cstdio-stdio-h-namespace inttypes.h setjmp.h stdio.h time.h ctype.h iso646.h signal.h stdint.h uchar.h errno.h limits.h stdarg.h stdlib.h wchar.h..
How can I catch a ctrl-c event? (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1641182/how-can-i-catch-a-ctrl-c-event-c sigaction . Tom's code would now look like this #include signal.h #include stdlib.h #include stdio.h void my_handler int s printf..
C linkage for function pointer passed to C library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16520951/c-linkage-for-function-pointer-passed-to-c-library with Unix signals. To do so glibc provides a function in signal.h called sigaction which expects to receive a function pointer..
How to handle a ctrl-break signal in a command line interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181413/how-to-handle-a-ctrl-break-signal-in-a-command-line-interface the signal function to register a signal handler #include signal.h void signal_handler int sig Handle the signal int main void..
How to deactivate input statement after some time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18289635/how-to-deactivate-input-statement-after-some-time stdio.h #include string.h #include unistd.h #include signal.h #include errno.h void handler_SIGALRM int signo signo 0 Get..
Capturing R6025 pure virtual call http://stackoverflow.com/questions/224163/capturing-r6025-pure-virtual-call terminate and invalid parameter handler. #include signal.h inline void signal_handler int terminator inline void terminator..
How do I find where an exception was thrown in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2443135/how-do-i-find-where-an-exception-was-thrown-in-c #define __USE_GNU #endif #include execinfo.h #include signal.h #include string.h #include iostream #include cstdlib #include..
A very simple thread pool using pthreads in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561095/a-very-simple-thread-pool-using-pthreads-in-c list #include iostream #include pthread.h #include signal.h #include sys select.h the muticies protectors of the shared..
Is destructor called if SIGINT or SIGSTP issued? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4250013/is-destructor-called-if-sigint-or-sigstp-issued all the usual destructors #include iostream #include signal.h #include cstring bool quit false signal flag void got_signal..
Set breakpoint in C or C++ code programmatically for gdb on Linux http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4326414/set-breakpoint-in-c-or-c-code-programmatically-for-gdb-on-linux One way is to signal an interrupt #include csignal or signal.h if C code Generate an interrupt raise SIGINT UPDATE MSDN states..
Is this a legitimate C++ code? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4372062/is-this-a-legitimate-c-code netdb.h #include arpa inet.h #include sys wait.h #include signal.h #define PORT 3490 the port users will be connecting to #define..
signal handling http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4863420/signal-handling Under Linux the code works fine. #include stdio.h #include signal.h #include stdlib.h void err_crash void my_signal_handler int..
C++: vector<string> *args = new vector<string>(); causes SIGABRT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5019775/c-vectorstring-args-new-vectorstring-causes-sigabrt std #include sys types.h #include sys wait.h #include signal.h Any thoughts c new operator stdvector sigabrt share improve..
How to convert signal name (string) to signal code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6990093/how-to-convert-signal-name-string-to-signal-code is a simple way to convert the string to signal codes in signal.h . Currently I'm doing this by writing my own map that looks..
Override Ctrl-C http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7623401/override-ctrl-c unistd.h #include sys wait.h #include sys types.h #include signal.h #include Input.h #include CircleBuff.h void handler_function..
How to generate a stacktrace when my gcc C++ app crashes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/77005/how-to-generate-a-stacktrace-when-my-gcc-c-app-crashes the handler #include stdio.h #include execinfo.h #include signal.h #include stdlib.h void handler int sig void array 10 size_t..
Difference between string.h and cstring? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8380805/difference-between-string-h-and-cstring inttypes.h setjmp.h stdio.h time.h ctype.h iso646.h signal.h stdint.h uchar.h errno.h limits.h stdarg.h stdlib.h wchar.h..
How to programatically cause a core dump in C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/979141/how-to-programatically-cause-a-core-dump-in-c-c is anything other than quick'n'dirty debug code . #include signal.h raise 6 Calling abort will also cause a core dump and you can..