c++ Programming Glossary: sig
Overloaded member function pointer to template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1096931/overloaded-member-function-pointer-to-template the information is being passed in. The rare case is the 'signal_void' case as this is where the signal has a template argument.. rare case is the 'signal_void' case as this is where the signal has a template argument but the member function doesn't... The following now compiles template class Arg void class signal signal double signal_double signal signal_void Arg1 is deduced..
How to handle a ctrl-break signal in a command line interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/181413/how-to-handle-a-ctrl-break-signal-in-a-command-line-interface to handle a ctrl break signal in a command line interface Before I begin I want to clarify.. application that accepts commands from a user. I have a signal handler setup to catch the signals which then sets a flag.. from a user. I have a signal handler setup to catch the signals which then sets a flag that I need to terminate the application...
Fast bignum square computation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18465326/fast-bignum-square-computation for bigints which are represented as dynamic arrays of unsigned DWORDs To be clear DWORD x n 1 LSW ...... MSW where n 1 is.. c.bits c.siz 5 c.exp x.exp x.exp c.siz x.siz x.siz 5 1 c.sig sig this c edit1 use of Karatsuba multiplication thanks to Calpis.. c.siz 5 c.exp x.exp x.exp c.siz x.siz x.siz 5 1 c.sig sig this c edit1 use of Karatsuba multiplication thanks to Calpis..
Messaging system: Callbacks can be anything http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6884041/messaging-system-callbacks-can-be-anything vector Callback eventHandlerMap_ I also tried using boost signal but that also gives me a compilation problem related to operator.. operator int g std cout Functor operator g int main boost signal void int sig Functor f sig.connect test sig.connect f sig.. cout Functor operator g int main boost signal void int sig Functor f sig.connect test sig.connect f sig 7 sig.disconnect..
How to generate a stacktrace when my gcc C++ app crashes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/77005/how-to-generate-a-stacktrace-when-my-gcc-c-app-crashes the handler #include stdio.h #include execinfo.h #include signal.h #include stdlib.h void handler int sig void array 10 size_t.. #include signal.h #include stdlib.h void handler int sig void array 10 size_t size get void 's for all entries on the.. 10 print out all the frames to stderr fprintf stderr Error signal d n sig backtrace_symbols_fd array size STDERR_FILENO exit..
“Undefined reference to” template class constructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8752837/undefined-reference-to-template-class-constructor declared and defined. I have the following program designed with templates. It's a simple implementation of a queue with.. class T class nodo_colaypila T elem nodo_colaypila T sig friend class cola T public nodo_colaypila T nodo_colaypila T.. T nodo_colaypila T nodo_colaypila T a nodo_colaypila T siguiente NULL elem a sig siguiente ctor Afterwards the definition..
How to have template type deduced in std::function arguments with lambda? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14784441/how-to-have-template-type-deduced-in-stdfunction-arguments-with-lambda this question I recommend you think of std function Sig as a container of any one functor that conforms to Sig as a.. Sig as a container of any one functor that conforms to Sig as a signature and which can be replaced at any moment. This.. comes in very handy for e.g. std vector std function Sig because such a container can then hold functors of different..
Why does std::result_of take an (unrelated) function type as a type argument? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15486951/why-does-stdresult-of-take-an-unrelated-function-type-as-a-type-argument of wrapper that uses result_of internally can't just pass Sig along. Now there's one disadvantage with the function type way..
SFINAE to check for inherited member functions http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1966362/sfinae-to-check-for-inherited-member-functions one #include iostream template typename T typename Sig struct has_foo template typename U U struct type_check template.. type_check template typename V static char chk type_check Sig V foo 1 template typename static char chk ... 2 static bool..
pointer to const member function typedef http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3050805/pointer-to-const-member-function-typedef do template deduction on something like template typename Sig typename Klass void deduce Sig Klass It will show Sig with as.. like template typename Sig typename Klass void deduce Sig Klass It will show Sig with as a function signature with const.. Sig typename Klass void deduce Sig Klass It will show Sig with as a function signature with const just tacked on the end...
how boost::function and boost::bind work http://stackoverflow.com/questions/527413/how-boostfunction-and-boostbind-work function is actually an object like this template class Sig class function function_impl Sig f public return_type operator.. like this template class Sig class function function_impl Sig f public return_type operator argument_type arg0 const return.. where the return_type and argument_type are extracted from Sig and f is dynamically allocated on the heap. That's needed to..
Call function with parameters extracted from string http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8476975/call-function-with-parameters-extracted-from-string args f std forward Args args ... template class F class Sig struct stream_function_ template class F class R class... Args.. in stream_function out_opt conv.str F _f template class Sig class F stream_function_ F Sig stream_function F f return f.. F _f template class Sig class F stream_function_ F Sig stream_function F f return f typedef std function void std istream..