c++ Programming Glossary: simd
Bigint (bigbit) library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1055661/bigint-bigbit-library is crucial so it would have to be implemented with some SIMD assembly. c biginteger share improve this question There..
SIMD prefix sum on Intel cpu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10587598/simd-prefix-sum-on-intel-cpu prefix sum on Intel cpu I need to implement a prefix sum algorithm.. 11 11 15 16 22 25 Is there a way to do this using SSE mmx SIMD cpu instruction My first idea is to sum each pair in parallel.. e.g. with OpenMP . The second pass you can also use SIMD since a constant value is being added to each partial sum. Assuming..
C++ Tips for code optimization on ARM devices http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10800372/c-tips-for-code-optimization-on-arm-devices rule ARM chips have much smaller caches than Intel. 5 Use SIMD NEON when possible. NEON instructions are quite powerful and..
How to do alpha blend fast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1102692/how-to-do-alpha-blend-fast image 640 480 so the first byte is aligned correctly for SIMD. Stride must be a multiple of 16. for int y top y bottom y ..
How to speed up my sparse matrix solver? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2388196/how-to-speed-up-my-sparse-matrix-solver matrix share improve this question Couple of ideas Use SIMD. You could load 4 floats at a time from each array into a SIMD.. You could load 4 floats at a time from each array into a SIMD register e.g. SSE on Intel VMX on PowerPC . The disadvantage..
Is using double faster than float? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3426165/is-using-double-faster-than-float only especially suitable for simple ops on lot of data SIMD single instruction multiple data where each register can pack..
Optimizations for pow() with const non-integer exponent? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6475373/optimizations-for-pow-with-const-non-integer-exponent will also see instruction level parallelism. Considering SIMD that's a throughput of one scalar result per 3 cycles int main..
SSE SSE2 and SSE3 for GNU C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/661338/sse-sse2-and-sse3-for-gnu-c see section for an example of intrinsics and the SIMD sections are essential reading. The instruction set reference.. are not for beginners warning but they do rightly treat SIMD whether used via asm intrinsics or compiler vectorization as..
Why is memcpy() and memmove() faster than pointer increments? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7776085/why-is-memcpy-and-memmove-faster-than-pointer-increments also the memcpy implementations are often written with SIMD instructions which makes it possible to shuffle 128 bits at.. which makes it possible to shuffle 128 bits at a time. SIMD instructions are assembly instructions that can perform the..
Fast Cross-Platform C/C++ Image Processing Libraries http://stackoverflow.com/questions/796364/fast-cross-platform-c-c-image-processing-libraries
Good portable SIMD library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/981787/good-portable-simd-library portable SIMD library can anyone recommend portable SIMD library that provides.. portable SIMD library can anyone recommend portable SIMD library that provides a c c API works on Intel and AMD extensions..
SIMD prefix sum on Intel cpu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10587598/simd-prefix-sum-on-intel-cpu i ouput i i 2 0 x i ouput i 1 w i 1 1 c sse simd mmx share improve this question The fastest parallel prefix..
SSE instructions to add all elements of an array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10930595/sse-instructions-to-add-all-elements-of-an-array instructions Any help will be appreciated. c arrays sse simd sse2 share improve this question If you just want to sum..
Parallel for vs omp simd: when to use each? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14674049/parallel-for-vs-omp-simd-when-to-use-each for vs omp simd when to use each OpenMP 4.0 introduces a new construct called.. use each OpenMP 4.0 introduces a new construct called omp simd . What is the benefit of using this construct over the old parallel.. related to the SIMD directive. c c performance openmp simd share improve this question The linked to standard is relatively..
SSE intrinsic functions reference [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7156908/sse-intrinsic-functions-reference in the mmintrin.h header files Thanks. c c gcc sse simd share improve this question As well as all the online PDF..
Good portable SIMD library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/981787/good-portable-simd-library multiplication etc. So far the only one I found is http simdx86.sourceforge.net but as the very first page says it doesn't.. Framewave anywhere Thanks. c open source cross platform simd share improve this question Since you mention high level..