c++ Programming Glossary: sb
Fast textfile reading in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17925051/fast-textfile-reading-in-c if fd 1 handle_error open obtain file size struct stat sb if fstat fd sb 1 handle_error fstat length sb.st_size const.. open obtain file size struct stat sb if fstat fd sb 1 handle_error fstat length sb.st_size const char addr static_cast.. struct stat sb if fstat fd sb 1 handle_error fstat length sb.st_size const char addr static_cast const char mmap NULL length..
Redirecting cout to a console in windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/311955/redirecting-cout-to-a-console-in-windows cout to use my custom streambuf outbuf ob std streambuf sb std cout.rdbuf ob do some work here make sure to restore the.. original so we don't get a crash on close std cout.rdbuf sb return 0 Anyone have a better cleaner solution than just forcing.. cout to use my custom streambuf outbuf ob std streambuf sb std cout.rdbuf ob do some work here make sure to restore the..
Find valid assignments of integers in arrays (permutations with given order) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4625160/find-valid-assignments-of-integers-in-arrays-permutations-with-given-order LineList T List T public override string ToString var sb new StringBuilder sb.Append Count .AppendLine lines foreach.. public override string ToString var sb new StringBuilder sb.Append Count .AppendLine lines foreach var line in this if.. in this if line.Length 0 foreach var bucket in line sb.Append ' ' foreach var item in bucket sb.Append item .Append..
redirect std::cout to a custom writer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/533038/redirect-stdcout-to-a-custom-writer want with s ... return n int main bio stream_buffer MySink sb sb.open MySink std streambuf oldbuf std clog.rdbuf sb std clog.. with s ... return n int main bio stream_buffer MySink sb sb.open MySink std streambuf oldbuf std clog.rdbuf sb std clog.. sb sb.open MySink std streambuf oldbuf std clog.rdbuf sb std clog hello world std endl std clog.rdbuf oldbuf return 0..
Getting std :: ifstream to handle LF, CR, and CRLF? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6089231/getting-std-ifstream-to-handle-lf-cr-and-crlf stream state. std istream sentry se is true std streambuf sb is.rdbuf for int c sb sbumpc switch c case ' n' return is case.. sentry se is true std streambuf sb is.rdbuf for int c sb sbumpc switch c case ' n' return is case ' r' if sb sgetc '.. sentry se is true std streambuf sb is.rdbuf for int c sb sbumpc switch c case ' n' return is case ' r' if sb sgetc ' n'..
Pass a function pointer from C++ to be called by C# - Arguments of functions include a wide char string (LPCWSTR) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6282264/pass-a-function-pointer-from-c-to-be-called-by-c-sharp-arguments-of-function UnmanagedType.LPWStr StringBuilder foo StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder 64 reserve 64 characters. del sb share improve..
What is the meaning of numeric_limits<double>::digits10 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/747470/what-is-the-meaning-of-numeric-limitsdoubledigits10 setprecision 17 os DBL_MAX std cout os.str std stringbuf sb os.str std istream is sb double readDouble 0.0 is readDouble.. std cout os.str std stringbuf sb os.str std istream is sb double readDouble 0.0 is readDouble bool success fabs DBL_MAX..
C++ lambda with captures as a function pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7852101/c-lambda-with-captures-as-a-function-pointer int main auto callback const char fpath const struct stat sb int typeflag int cout fpath endl return 0 int ret ftw etc callback.. entries auto callback const char fpath const struct stat sb int typeflag int entries.push_back fpath return 0 int ret ftw..
recursive folder scanning in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/983376/recursive-folder-scanning-in-c static int callback const char fpath const struct stat sb int typeflag if it's a file if typeflag FTW_F int i for each..
std::bind a bound function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10777421/stdbind-a-bound-function you can fix this problem with boost protect . As Kerrek SB and ildjarn point out one way around this issue is don't use..
Where does the 'override' qualifier go with trailing return types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12771005/where-does-the-override-qualifier-go-with-trailing-return-types the right thing according to the standard Edit As Kerrek SB notes this is a bug in gcc Bugzilla link . c c 11 share improve..
Handle complex options with Boost's program_options http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2935587/handle-complex-options-with-boosts-program-options have two seed graphs models SA which has 1 parameters and SB which has two. Also for the expansion part I have two models.. seed SA 0.1 expansion A 0.2 . graph_generator seed SB 0.1 3 expansion A 0.2 . graph_generator seed SA 0.1 expansion.. seed SA 0.1 expansion B 10 20 . graph_generator seed SB 0.1 3 expansion B 10 20 and have the parameters parsed correctly...
How do I install and build against OpenSSL 1.0.0 on Ubuntu? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3153114/how-do-i-install-and-build-against-openssl-1-0-0-on-ubuntu package Update I'm writing this update after reading SB 's answer but before trying it because it's clear I need to.. ssl include and L usr local ssl lib options suggested by SB to my makefile but I'm now getting a bunch of undefine reference..
Is the order of iterating through std::map known (and guaranteed by the standard)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7648756/is-the-order-of-iterating-through-stdmap-known-and-guaranteed-by-the-standard when I'm iterating through a container. Thanks @Kerrek SB for the answer. c stl map order standards share improve this..
How do I prevent an implicit cast double -> int? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7903083/how-do-i-prevent-an-implicit-cast-double-int as soon as I switch to a C 11 supporting compiler . Kerrek SB gave a good none C 11 alternative but what I ended up with using..
Can standard container templates be instantiated with incomplete types? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8329826/can-standard-container-templates-be-instantiated-with-incomplete-types of the implementation of standard containers. So as Kerrek SB mentioned there can be containers which allow recursive data..
Why is the keyword “typename” needed before qualified dependent names, and not before qualified independent names? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8584431/why-is-the-keyword-typename-needed-before-qualified-dependent-names-and-not-b answered very well in the accepted answer by Kerrek SB. Be sure to also read the comments on that answer especially..
What is the best way to generate random numbers in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9471604/what-is-the-best-way-to-generate-random-numbers-in-c