c++ Programming Glossary: scenarios
Passing shared pointers as arguments http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10826541/passing-shared-pointers-as-arguments
Examples of when a bitwise swap() is a bad idea? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11638271/examples-of-when-a-bitwise-swap-is-a-bad-idea never seen in practice there may though also be other scenarios. What are some actual real world examples of when a correct..
Problems with Singleton Pattern http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1392315/problems-with-singleton-pattern for last few days. The general perception is that the scenarios where it is required are quite few if not rare probably because..
Crossplatform iPhone / Android code sharing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2380258/crossplatform-iphone-android-code-sharing code between iPhone and Android builds The two most common scenarios I think would be Blank slate new project knowing ahead of time..
demote boost::function to a plain function pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/282372/demote-boostfunction-to-a-plain-function-pointer
What is The Rule of Three? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4172722/what-is-the-rule-of-three person object The main function shows two distinct copying scenarios. The initialization person b a is performed by the copy constructor..
Alternative virtual mechanism implementations? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4352032/alternative-virtual-mechanism-implementations the behaviors of what should happen under specific scenarios. Most compilers implement the virtual mechanism through the..
In which scenario do I use a particular STL Container? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/471432/in-which-scenario-do-i-use-a-particular-stl-container the bottom as a guide on which to use in different usage scenarios created by David Moore and licensed CC BY SA 3.0 share improve..
When do I use a dot, arrow, or double colon to refer to members of a class in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4984600/when-do-i-use-a-dot-arrow-or-double-colon-to-refer-to-members-of-a-class-in-c colon the dot . and the arrow are used for three different scenarios that are always well defined. Knowing this allows you to immediately..
What C++ Smart Pointer Implementations are available? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5026197/what-c-smart-pointer-implementations-are-available shared_ptr Probably the easiest to use in the most varying scenarios STL PIMPL RAII etc this is a shared referenced counted smart..
JIT compiler vs offline compilers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/538056/jit-compiler-vs-offline-compilers compiler vs offline compilers Are there scenarios where JIT compiler is faster than other compilers like C Do.. share improve this question Yes there certainly are such scenarios. JIT compilation can use runtime profiling to optimize specific..
When should you use a class vs a struct in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/54585/when-should-you-use-a-class-vs-a-struct-in-c should you use a class vs a struct in C In what scenarios is it better to use a struct vs a class in C c oop class struct..
What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5727/what-are-the-barriers-to-understanding-pointers-and-what-can-be-done-to-overcome bogged down in the overall concept Basically drill like scenarios. c c pointers share improve this question Pointers is a..
When to use reinterpret_cast? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/573294/when-to-use-reinterpret-cast casts also. reinterpret_cast are applicable in two scenarios convert integer types to pointer types and vice versa or to..
Why should one not derive from c++ std string class? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6006860/why-should-one-not-derive-from-c-std-string-class only . EDIT Okay I guess this could be used in a few mixin scenarios too such as boost iterator_facade which show up when the CRTP..
How do promotion rules work when the signedness on either side of a binary operator differ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6770258/how-do-promotion-rules-work-when-the-signedness-on-either-side-of-a-binary-opera case is that both operands are int In both of your scenarios the result of operator is unsigned . Consequently the second..
Are inline virtual functions really a non-sense? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/733737/are-inline-virtual-functions-really-a-non-sense I thought inline virtual functions could come in handy in scenarios where functions are called on objects directly. But the counter..
C++ char* vs std::string [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/801209/c-char-vs-stdstring business because of the memory management. Are there other scenarios to consider c stl stdstring char array share improve this..