c++ Programming Glossary: satisfying
Why is size_t unsigned? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10168079/why-is-size-t-unsigned severe disadvantages and no advantages &ndash except for satisfying the feelings of those who find unsigned to be a self descriptive..
How to force std::stringstream operator >> to read an entire string? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1136359/how-to-force-stdstringstream-operator-to-read-an-entire-string share improve this question As operator is not satisfying our requirement when T string we can write a specific function..
Inner class accessing outer class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11405069/inner-class-accessing-outer-class a lot for an answer for this thing but I never got a satisfying answer. Let's say I have a structure called FSM . Eventually..
Calculate the area of an object with OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11631533/calculate-the-area-of-an-object-with-opencv of my object. I deleted all noise and got some nice and satisfying contours by using findContours programming in C . findContours..
Number of tuples http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13216041/number-of-tuples L and H. How can I Count the number of tuples i j k satisfying i j k and L a i a j a k H. 1 T 100 1 N 1000 1 L H 1000000 1..
Is there a working C++ refactoring tool? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1388469/is-there-a-working-c-refactoring-tool Extracting a large block of code usually is not done satisfying without manual modifications and therefore does not pay off...
How do I erase elements from STL containers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16013545/how-do-i-erase-elements-from-stl-containers elements from STL containers having a specified value or satisfying some condition Is there a single common or uniform way of doing.. having value x from list l l.remove x Erase elements satisfying erasing_condition from list l l.remove_if erasing_condition.. method Erase all elements from associative container c satisfying erasing_condition for auto it c.begin it c.end it updated inside..
C++ splitting string into array http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16029324/c-splitting-string-into-array be a duplicate question but I could not find any answer satisfying my conditions splitting a string into an array WITHOUT using..
Template issue causes linker error (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1639797/template-issue-causes-linker-error-c implement a function that searches a vector for an element satisfying a given property in this case searching for one with the name..
Access private field of another object in same class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17027139/access-private-field-of-another-object-in-same-class I am also a bit curious with the answer. The most satisfying answer that I find is from Artemix in another post here I'm..
How to print pthread_t http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1759794/how-to-print-pthread-t to print pthread_t Searched but don't come across a satisfying answer. I know there's no a portable way to print a pthread_t...
c++ FFT Beat detection library? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2261081/c-fft-beat-detection-library source code in C since I found it really hard to achieve satisfying results with the beat detection code I wrote myself using this..
Benchmarks used to test a C and C++ allocator? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2560114/benchmarks-used-to-test-a-c-and-c-allocator on benchmarks used to test a C and C allocator Benchmarks satisfying any of the following aspects are considered Speed Fragmentation..
To throw or not to throw exceptions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3490153/to-throw-or-not-to-throw-exceptions to throw excetions . I asked him why but he didn't have a satisfying answer so I googled it. One of the first pages I found was a..
Protecting executable from reverse engineering? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6481668/protecting-executable-from-reverse-engineering likely to be more effective and also more intellectually satisfying than just generating reams of horrible spaghetti code. This..
At which exact statement does this program exhibit Undefined behavior as per the C++ standard? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8804612/at-which-exact-statement-does-this-program-exhibit-undefined-behavior-as-per-the the reference is first initialised it is done so validly satisfying the following C 11 8.3.2 5 There shall be no references to references..
Move assignment operator and `if (this != &rhs)` http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9322174/move-assignment-operator-and-if-this-rhs clients with no compromises to either client. The key to satisfying both clients is to build the fastest operations in at the lowest..