c++ Programming Glossary: rotated
scale and rotation Template matching http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10666436/scale-and-rotation-template-matching with matchTemplate is not good when your object is rotated or scaled in scene. You should try openCV function from Features2D.. findHomography method. Here is a good example of finding rotated object in scene. Update In short algorithm is this Finding keypoints..
Determine if two rectangles overlap each other? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/306316/determine-if-two-rectangles-overlap-each-other for Rectangle 2 and stores them in an array arrRect2 rotated edge of point a rect 1 int rot_x rot_y rot_x arrRect1 3 rot_y.. int rot_x rot_y rot_x arrRect1 3 rot_y arrRect1 2 point on rotated edge int pnt_x pnt_y pnt_x arrRect1 2 pnt_y arrRect1 3 test..
Affine Transform, Simple Rotation and Scaling or something else entirely? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7800905/affine-transform-simple-rotation-and-scaling-or-something-else-entirely you notice the area of the sub image above it is a little rotated the points on right side of the image are positioned a little.. was exaggerated on purpose to look a little more distorted rotated than reality and then image B which is what I would like as..
Rotate cv::Mat using cv::warpAffine offsets destination image http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7813376/rotate-cvmat-using-cvwarpaffine-offsets-destination-image facing a few problems. Input Rotated As you can see the rotated image has a few problems. First it has the same size of the.. the destination at a certain offset probably to copy the rotated data to the middle of the image and this operation leaves a.. rot_matrix getRotationMatrix2D src_center angle 1.0 Mat rotated_img Size image.size .height image.size .width image.type warpAffine..
Executing cv::warpPerspective for a fake deskewing on a set of cv::Point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7838487/executing-cvwarpperspective-for-a-fake-deskewing-on-a-set-of-cvpoint the coordinates will change a little bit to fit into the rotated rectangle and that's not very cool . #include cv.h #include.. Scalar 0 255 0 3 CV_AA imwrite draw.jpg draw Assemble a rotated rectangle out of that info RotatedRect box minAreaRect cv Mat.. getPerspectiveTransform src_vertices dst_vertices cv Mat rotated warpPerspective src rotated warpMatrix rotated.size INTER_LINEAR..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8667818/opencv-c-obj-c-detecting-a-sheet-of-paper-square-detection image rect.tl rect.br cv Scalar 0 255 0 2 8 0 draw rotated rect cv RotatedRect minRect minAreaRect cv Mat squares i cv..