

c++ Programming Glossary: rotated

scale and rotation Template matching


with matchTemplate is not good when your object is rotated or scaled in scene. You should try openCV function from Features2D.. findHomography method. Here is a good example of finding rotated object in scene. Update In short algorithm is this Finding keypoints..

Determine if two rectangles overlap each other?


for Rectangle 2 and stores them in an array arrRect2 rotated edge of point a rect 1 int rot_x rot_y rot_x arrRect1 3 rot_y.. int rot_x rot_y rot_x arrRect1 3 rot_y arrRect1 2 point on rotated edge int pnt_x pnt_y pnt_x arrRect1 2 pnt_y arrRect1 3 test..

Affine Transform, Simple Rotation and Scaling or something else entirely?


you notice the area of the sub image above it is a little rotated the points on right side of the image are positioned a little.. was exaggerated on purpose to look a little more distorted rotated than reality and then image B which is what I would like as..

Rotate cv::Mat using cv::warpAffine offsets destination image


facing a few problems. Input Rotated As you can see the rotated image has a few problems. First it has the same size of the.. the destination at a certain offset probably to copy the rotated data to the middle of the image and this operation leaves a.. rot_matrix getRotationMatrix2D src_center angle 1.0 Mat rotated_img Size image.size .height image.size .width image.type warpAffine..

Executing cv::warpPerspective for a fake deskewing on a set of cv::Point


the coordinates will change a little bit to fit into the rotated rectangle and that's not very cool . #include cv.h #include.. Scalar 0 255 0 3 CV_AA imwrite draw.jpg draw Assemble a rotated rectangle out of that info RotatedRect box minAreaRect cv Mat.. getPerspectiveTransform src_vertices dst_vertices cv Mat rotated warpPerspective src rotated warpMatrix rotated.size INTER_LINEAR..

OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection


image rect.tl rect.br cv Scalar 0 255 0 2 8 0 draw rotated rect cv RotatedRect minRect minAreaRect cv Mat squares i cv..