c++ Programming Glossary: roll
Why is processing a sorted array faster than an unsorted array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11227809/why-is-processing-a-sorted-array-faster-than-an-unsorted-array If you guessed wrong you need to flush the pipeline and roll back to the branch. Then you can restart down the other path... you guess wrong too often you spend a lot of time stalling rolling back and restarting. This is branch prediction. I admit it's..
What are the most widely used C++ vector/matrix math/linear algebra libraries, and their cost and benefit tradeoffs? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1380371/what-are-the-most-widely-used-c-vector-matrix-math-linear-algebra-libraries-a have all switched to using this instead of their own hand rolled vertor matrix math. I've found it quite nice it does everything.. few geometric rendering specific methods so you'll need to roll your own on top of their linear algebra classes. NT2 Benefits..
Multithreaded Memory Allocators for C/C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/147298/multithreaded-memory-allocators-for-c-c crucial then do performance load testing. Otherwise just roll a dice and pick one of the listed weighted by ease of use on..
How do I start a new CUDA project in Visual Studio 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2046228/how-do-i-start-a-new-cuda-project-in-visual-studio-2008 I would advocate avoiding cutil if possible instead roll your own checking. Cutil is not supported by NVIDIA it's just.. I would advocate avoiding cutil if possible instead roll your own checking. Cutil is not supported by NVIDIA it's just..
Are there C++ equivalents for the Protocol Buffers delimited I/O functions in Java? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2340730/are-there-c-equivalents-for-the-protocol-buffers-delimited-i-o-functions-in-ja WriteVarint32 uint32 value Using those I should be able to roll my own C functions that do the job. They should really add this..
Is it a good practice to always use smart pointers? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2454214/is-it-a-good-practice-to-always-use-smart-pointers Rolling your own There are situations when you may wish to roll your own smart manager. Do check that you did not just missed..
iterator adapter to iterate just the values in a map? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/259240/iterator-adapter-to-iterate-just-the-values-in-a-map and recently Objective C. One thing I've done before is to roll my own iterator adapter for std map that will deref to just..
How can I negate a functor in C++ (STL)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/265228/how-can-i-negate-a-functor-in-c-stl v.end not1 FindPredicate valueToFind v.end If you want to roll your own solution which is IMHO not the best option... well..
minimal reflection in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3665423/minimal-reflection-in-c share improve this question You will have to roll your own. Usually you have a map of strings to object creation..
How do I start a CUDA app in Visual Studio 2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3778799/how-do-i-start-a-cuda-app-in-visual-studio-2010 I would advocate avoiding cutil if possible instead roll your own checking. Cutil is not supported by NVIDIA it's just..
How can I create cartesian product of vector of vectors? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5279051/how-can-i-create-cartesian-product-of-vector-of-vectors end if it 1 vd.end I'm the last digit and I'm about to roll return else cascade it me it begin it else normal break..
Is C# really slower than say C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326269/is-c-sharp-really-slower-than-say-c answer. I'm reasonably certain I could flip a coin and roll a pair of dice to pick a winner and percentage by which it would.. out for most code speed is almost irrelevant. The corollary to that which is much more often ignored is that in the little..
Unit test compile-time error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/605915/unit-test-compile-time-error that but is there an idiomatic way to do this or should I roll my own solution maybe using scripts compiling separate tests..
How to Build a custom simple DNS server in C/C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/649618/how-to-build-a-custom-simple-dns-server-in-c-c DNS proxy code such as 'dnsmasq' . If you do want to roll your own there are good libraries such as ldns which can provide..
Circular lock-free buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/871234/circular-lock-free-buffer Is circular lock free buffer the answer If so before i roll my own do you know any public implementation that will fit my..
Comparing std::tr1::function<> objects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/89488/comparing-stdtr1function-objects if needed. So it looks like whether you use Boost or roll your own with tr1 the basic principle's the same. i.e. it will..
Need for predictable random generator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/910215/need-for-predictable-random-generator seems fair or we haven't reached a threshold of minimum rolls it returns a fair hit based on the normal probability. If the.. normal probability. If the observed probability from past rolls makes it seem unfair it returns a fair ifying hit. It is deemed.. out of 10. Naturally using this algorithm with a minimum roll count of 5 a much smaller amount 0.03 of the Fairish runs were..
Windows Phone 8: Media file access http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13467701/windows-phone-8-media-file-access to all folders available since WP7. Write access to Camera Roll and Saved Pictures available since WP7.5. Audio Developers can..
“Roll-Back” or Undo Any Manipulators Applied To A Stream Without Knowing What The Manipulators Were http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4217704/roll-back-or-undo-any-manipulators-applied-to-a-stream-without-knowing-what-th Roll Back&rdquo or Undo Any Manipulators Applied To A Stream Without..
Using Quaternions for OpenGL Rotations http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9715776/using-quaternions-for-opengl-rotations it would be best to use Euler angles or a Pitch Yaw Roll scheme for capturing player input. At the moment arrow keys.. arrow keys control Pitch and Yaw whereas Q and E control Roll. I capture player input thus I am using SFML 1.6 SPEEDS float.. thing Quaternion Quaternion float Pitch float Yaw float Roll float Pi 4 atan 1 Set the values which came in degrees to radians..