

c++ Programming Glossary: roi.x

OpenCv 2.3 C - How to isolate object inside image


of Interest to the area defined by the box cv Rect roi roi.x box.center.x box.size.width 2 roi.y box.center.y box.size.height..

How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV


they were switched manually in the code below cv Rect roi roi.x box.center.x box.size.height 2 roi.y box.center.y box.size.width.. box.size.height roi.height box.size.width std cout roi @ roi.x roi.y roi.width x roi.height std endl Crop the original image..

OpenCV extract area of an image from a vector of squares


In fact I get this error OpenCV Error Assertion failed 0 roi.x 0 roi.width roi.x roi.width m.cols 0 roi.y 0 roi.height roi.y.. error OpenCV Error Assertion failed 0 roi.x 0 roi.width roi.x roi.width m.cols 0 roi.y 0 roi.height roi.y roi.height m.rows.. what usr include opencv cxmat.hpp 187 error 215 0 roi.x 0 roi.width roi.x roi.width m.cols 0 roi.y 0 roi.height roi.y..