c++ Programming Glossary: protobuf
Google protocol buffers on iOS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10277576/google-protocol-buffers-on-ios original answer is here . . . http groups.google.com group protobuf browse_thread thread ca4218d7db144252 The content of this answer.. your additional include directories add config.h from the protobuffer src directory to your app from the google group remove everything..
Referencing 3rd party Libraries using *relative* paths in Eclipse-CDT http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1089717/referencing-3rd-party-libraries-using-relative-paths-in-eclipse-cdt in Eclipse CDT I'm trying to reference Boost and Google protobuf. I've put them each in a folder in my workspace e.g. home user..
C++ Build Systems - What to use? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12017580/c-build-systems-what-to-use code out Support for code generation Using asn1c or protobuf not 100 sure yet Easy to maintain Now I know I can do 1 4 of..
Are there C++ equivalents for the Protocol Buffers delimited I/O functions in Java? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2340730/are-there-c-equivalents-for-the-protocol-buffers-delimited-i-o-functions-in-ja Java has it and so does Marc Gravell's excellent protobuf net C# port via SerializeWithLengthPrefix and DeserializeWithLengthPrefix..
serialize in .NET, deserialize in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2364077/serialize-in-net-deserialize-in-c with relative ease. I also get the .proto file that protobuf net generated using GetProto command. In the .proto file my.. for the full list . Small fast easy. Note that the v1 of protobuf net won't handle structs directly you'll need a DTO class but..
Protobuf-net - serializing .NET GUID - how to read this in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2370090/protobuf-net-serializing-net-guid-how-to-read-this-in-c with relative ease. I also get the .proto file that protobuf net generated using GetProto command. In the .NET generated.. do I do with this Thanks Roey .net c protocol buffers protobuf net share improve this question protobuf net encodes this.. buffers protobuf net share improve this question protobuf net encodes this as a pair of fixed length 64 bit values at..
any good and simple RPC library for inter-process calls? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5398673/any-good-and-simple-rpc-library-for-inter-process-calls are a few RPC implementations wrapped around Google's protobuf library as the marshaling mechanism http code.google.com p protobuf.. library as the marshaling mechanism http code.google.com p protobuf wiki ThirdPartyAddOns#RPC_Implementations There's XML RPC http..
How to send ostream via boost sockets in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5675358/how-to-send-ostream-via-boost-sockets-in-c some issues with my inter process communication using protobuf. Protobuf allows a set of serialization formats SerializeToArray.. void data int size bool SerializeToCodedStream google protobuf io CodeOutputStream output bool SerializeToFileDescriptor int..
Simple IPC between C++ and Python (cross platform) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6915191/simple-ipc-between-c-and-python-cross-platform If you want to get serialiazation from a library use protobuf it will generate classes for Python and C . You use the SerializeToString..
How to build google protocol buffers in Windows for mingw? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9243816/how-to-build-google-protocol-buffers-in-windows-for-mingw have a directory D prog MinGW msys 1.0 home username protobuf 2.4.1 . At the shell prompt change to the protobuf directory.. protobuf 2.4.1 . At the shell prompt change to the protobuf directory cd protobuf 2.4.1 Run the configure script note the.. . At the shell prompt change to the protobuf directory cd protobuf 2.4.1 Run the configure script note the backquotes . configure..
Getting segfault due to string data type variable in PROTOBUF server and clent communcation through sockets on recv end in cpp http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18463414/getting-segfault-due-to-string-data-type-variable-in-protobuf-server-and-clent-c variable case I got sementation How can I over come in Protobuf string datatype sementation fault other than we have any other..
serialize in .NET, deserialize in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2364077/serialize-in-net-deserialize-in-c Thanks in advance. Roey. Update I have serialized using Protobuf net in my .NET application with relative ease. I also get the..
Protobuf-net - serializing .NET GUID - how to read this in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2370090/protobuf-net-serializing-net-guid-how-to-read-this-in-c net serializing .NET GUID how to read this in C I have serialized.. how to read this in C I have serialized an object using Protobuf net in my .NET application with relative ease. I also get the..
Thrift vs Protocol buffers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4293385/thrift-vs-protocol-buffers of Thrift vs Protocol Buffers topic Referring to Thrift vs Protobuf vs JSON comparison C Python Java in box support in Protobuf.. vs JSON comparison C Python Java in box support in Protobuf and Thrift. Protobuf support for other languages including Lua.. C Python Java in box support in Protobuf and Thrift. Protobuf support for other languages including Lua Matlab Ruby Perl R..
How to send ostream via boost sockets in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5675358/how-to-send-ostream-via-boost-sockets-in-c issues with my inter process communication using protobuf. Protobuf allows a set of serialization formats SerializeToArray void..