

c++ Programming Glossary: pd

c++ file handling - class objects


conio.h class mail public char un 25 user name char pd 25 passsword void reg int obj 5 void mail reg int k int i i.. name enter unique name n cin un cout Enter password n cin pd ofstream filout filout.open email ios app ios binary if filout.. char obj2 sizeof obj2 cout username obj2.un passwword obj2.pd n filein.close getch Also please tell me how to put code into..

C99 strict aliasing rules in C++ (GCC)


an intermediate type in a chained cast int pi ... double pd static_cast double static_cast void pi const_cast cannot break..

Template specialization with float as non type


Example template double d class X error template double pd class Y OK template double rd class Z OK What is the historical..

Detecting the launch of a application


object sender EventArrivedEventArgs e foreach PropertyData pd in e.NewEvent.Properties Console.WriteLine n Console.WriteLine..