

c++ Programming Glossary: payload

Critique my non-intrusive heap debugger


0 throw std bad_alloc memcpy raw CANARY sizeof CANARY byte payload raw sizeof CANARY memcpy payload size CANARY sizeof CANARY metadata.. CANARY sizeof CANARY byte payload raw sizeof CANARY memcpy payload size CANARY sizeof CANARY metadata md payload size kind the_hashset.insert.. memcpy payload size CANARY sizeof CANARY metadata md payload size kind the_hashset.insert md printf allocated md.print return..

How to return text from Native (C++) code


minor drawback of the BSTR namely that it carries a UTF 16 payload but your source data may well be char . To overcome this you..

Graph implementation C++


with pointers... more specifically struct Node ... payload ... Link first_in last_in first_out last_out struct Link ..... Link first_in last_in first_out last_out struct Link ... payload ... Node from to Link prev_same_from next_same_from prev_same_to.. a node x is O deg x . Of course depending on the problem payload size graph size graph density this approach can be way overkilling..

How can I sort a singly linked list in constant space? [closed]


list . The structure of the linked list is head.item the payload you want to sort on and head.next the next item. The requirement..