

c++ Programming Glossary: paying

Objective-C - Disadvantages to Bridging With C++?


learning tool. The issue in the context of real world paying project use is that you are effectively creating a relatively..

What is the best way to return string in C++?


and the fact that you're asking it shows that you're paying attention to your code. However the good news is that in this..

Good C/C++ connector library for PostgreSQL


there are so many I'm developing on Windows and dont mind paying for commercial tools. Someone in another Stackoverflow post..

Why don't STL containers have virtual destructors?


this question I guess it follows the C philosophy of not paying for features that you don't use. Depending on the platform a..

How to catch the null pointer exception?


Static linking vs dynamic linking


well as what linking you use. Maybe you'd rather put off paying it until you know you need it. Note that static vs dynamic linking..

correct idiom for std::string constants?


is and it is natural to want constants for them without paying over and over for the memory allocation EDIT2 took out secondary..

Object Slicing, Is it advantage?


When object slicing goes wrong is when people aren't paying attention and think it is the same object or a copy of it. It's..

efficient thread-safe singleton in C++


is to wrap a mutex around the whole method but then I'm paying for synchronization overhead long after I actually need it...

How far to go with a strongly typed language?


and the guarantee it is what it says it is but is it worth paying the construction and destruction of such an object let alone..

SFTP C++ library?


essential. It's for use with a commercial application so paying for something isn't an issue. I am using the superb Ultimate..

How to translate a virtual memory address to a physical address?


acceptable but if you expect other people particularly paying customers to use your software and your device you should write..

Why should I avoid multiple inheritance in C++?


not have existed at all... How much maintainers were paying for that because in C the parent class A was present twice in..

Examples of “modern c++” in action? [closed]


and functors lying around. In addition I've recently been paying more attention to concurrency and so this is becoming even more..

How do I enforce an expiration date for a trial install of my software?


One is casual piracy users using the software without paying simply because they haven't really thought to pay. The other..

Why is it undefined behavior to delete[] an array of derived objects via a base pointer?


my opinion this doesn't fit with the C philosophy of not paying for what you don't use. But worse a polymorphic enabled delete..

Why can't I create a vector of lambda in C++11?


vector of function objects. Well I would like a nice high paying job with a hundred man developer team to develop all my dreams..

What is the difference between std::set and std::vector?


problem. You can insert everything into the vector sort it paying that price once and then use standard algorithms for sorted..

constexpr overloading


constexpr char const and construct a std string on return paying the cost of creating a std string object every time I call the.. a static std string const and return the value I look up paying the cost of all of the std string constructors the first time..