c++ Programming Glossary: parray
Can I call functions that take an array/pointer argument using a std::vector instead? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12058838/can-i-call-functions-that-take-an-array-pointer-argument-using-a-stdvector-ins iSize so currently I have code of the form unsigned char pArray new unsigned char iSize populate array with data WriteToSocketBuffer.. char iSize populate array with data WriteToSocketBuffer pArray iSize delete pArray My question is the following If I change.. array with data WriteToSocketBuffer pArray iSize delete pArray My question is the following If I change my class to have a..
How does one rank an array (sort) by value? *With a twist* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13473/how-does-one-rank-an-array-sort-by-value-with-a-twist it if someone could help me fix this void SortArray int pArray int ArrayLength int i j flag 1 set flag to 1 to begin initial.. i ArrayLength flag i flag 0 for j 0 j ArrayLength 1 j if pArray j 1 pArray j ascending order simply changes to temp pArray.. flag i flag 0 for j 0 j ArrayLength 1 j if pArray j 1 pArray j ascending order simply changes to temp pArray j swap elements..
duplicate symbol error C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2894957/duplicate-symbol-error-c
Marshal C++ int array to C# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3776485/marshal-c-int-array-to-c-sharp IntPtr as parameter. DLL_EXPORT void fnwrapper_release int pArray delete pArray DllImport wrapper_demo_d.dll public static extern.. DLL_EXPORT void fnwrapper_release int pArray delete pArray DllImport wrapper_demo_d.dll public static extern void fnwrapper_release..
Memcpy of native array to managed array in C++ CLI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6944288/memcpy-of-native-array-to-managed-array-in-c-cli a managed array. Use memcpy with a pin_ptr. unsigned char pArray unsigned int arrayCount get pArray arrayCount from a COM method.. pin_ptr. unsigned char pArray unsigned int arrayCount get pArray arrayCount from a COM method ManagedClass ByteArray gcnew array.. ManagedClass ByteArray 0 memcpy_s pinPtrArray arrayCount pArray arrayCount arrayCount is the actual length of pArray so not..
View array in Visual Studio debugger? [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/972511/view-array-in-visual-studio-debugger N is the number you add after the comma. For example if pArray is the array type pArray 10 in the watch window. share improve..