c++ Programming Glossary: parm
populating an std::[container] from a function by passing an output iterator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4537581/populating-an-stdcontainer-from-a-function-by-passing-an-output-iterator
template class c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4573952/template-class-c void SetData T data m_data data error one shadows template parm `class L' error two declaration of `class L' error three shadows.. two declaration of `class L' error three shadows template parm `class T' i dont understand what is the problem. i can really.. declaration of ˜class L a.cc 26 error shadows template parm ˜class L This means that in line 41 you introduce a template..
C/C++: How to do AES decryption using OpenSSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5132939/c-c-how-to-do-aes-decryption-using-openssl are several other functions which I believe take a numeric parm to differentiate between encryption and decryption. For example.. key2 ivec enc From what I understand using Google the enc parm gets set to AES_ENCRYPT or AES_DECRYPT to specify which action.. which one I should be using What is the unsigned char ivec parm needed for most of these and where do I get it from c c openssl..
How Python can get binary data(char*) from C++ by SWIG? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8163976/how-python-can-get-binary-datachar-from-c-by-swig does exactly what you need. cstring_output_allocate_size parm szparm release Read the docs to learn how to use it. share.. exactly what you need. cstring_output_allocate_size parm szparm release Read the docs to learn how to use it. share improve..
How to get Excel cell value in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8619530/how-to-get-excel-cell-value-in-c 1 IDispatch pXlRange Get Range from Sheet VARIANT parm parm.vt VT_BSTR parm.bstrVal SysAllocString sOleText VARIANT.. 1 IDispatch pXlRange Get Range from Sheet VARIANT parm parm.vt VT_BSTR parm.bstrVal SysAllocString sOleText VARIANT result.. Get Range from Sheet VARIANT parm parm.vt VT_BSTR parm.bstrVal SysAllocString sOleText VARIANT result VariantInit..