

c++ Programming Glossary: nil

Ruby win32 api interface


def test_simple_pos_query h Win32.findWindow Shell_TrayWnd nil a APPBARDATA.new 1 0 0 ABE_TOP RECT.new 0 0 0 0 0 result Win32.shAppBarMessage..

what does malloc(0) return?


gcc Wall mal.c manav@manav workstation ~ . a.out 0x9363008 nil manav@manav workstation ~ The output keep changing everytime..

Is it reasonable to use std::basic_string<t> as a contiguous buffer when targeting C++03?


boost spirit semantic action parameters


_r1 fusion cons float float argument2 phoenix _r2 fusion nil end of cons list fusion vector2 locals container char char.. boost spirit context boost fusion cons int boost fusion nil boost fusion vector0 f_context void f int attribute const f_context..

send RSA public key to iphone and use it to encrypt


Security.h . Returns an NSData of the encrypted text or nil if encryption was unsuccessful. Takes the X.509 certificate.. CFRelease publicKey free cipherBuffer if success return nil return NSData dataWithData collectedCipherData share improve..

What are the barriers to understanding pointers and what can be done to overcome them?


var h THouse begin h THouse.Create 'My house' ... h.Free h nil Here I first construct the house and get hold of its address... house' uh oh what happened to our first house ... h.Free h nil Here we overwrote the contents of the h variable with the address.. h2 h1 copies the address not the house ... h1.Free h1 nil h2.OpenFrontDoor uh oh what happened to our house Here the house..

Spirit unable to assign attribute to single-element struct (or fusion sequence)


boost spirit context boost fusion cons ident boost fusion nil boost fusion vector0 void boost spirit unused_type const function4.. boost spirit context boost fusion cons ident boost fusion nil boost fusion vector0 void boost spirit unused_type const function.. boost spirit context boost fusion cons ident boost fusion nil boost fusion vector0 void boost spirit unused_type const operator..

Unique hardware ID in Mac OS X


@ rd1 @ c @ IOPlatformExpertDevice @ @ grep @ model nil NSTask task NSTask new task setLaunchPath @ usr sbin ioreg task.. @ IOPlatformUUID split 0 line printf s n line 4 nil NSTask task2 NSTask new task2 setLaunchPath @ usr bin awk task2..

Detecting the parameter types in a Spirit semantic action


boost fusion cons boost spirit unused_type boost fusion nil boost fusion vector0 void bool This is still a bit cryptic but..