c++ Programming Glossary: nic
Detect When Network Cable Unplugged http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2916243/detect-when-network-cable-unplugged knows when you have removed the network cable from your NIC. Is there a programmatic way to determine this via API in C..
Using a C++ TCP client socket on a specific network interface Linux/Unix http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7057482/using-a-c-tcp-client-socket-on-a-specific-network-interface-linux-unix which by default connects to interface eth0 which is a 1G NIC but I would like to connect using eth5 which is a 10G NIC. class.. NIC but I would like to connect using eth5 which is a 10G NIC. class TCPClientSocket protected int socket_file_descriptor_..
How to get hardware MAC address on Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/823553/how-to-get-hardware-mac-address-on-windows playing around with retrieving the MAC address from the NIC there are a variety of ways to get it this article covers the.. the true MAC is to remove the registry entry restart the NIC get the MAC via GetAdaptersInfo then replace the registry entry.. then replace the registry entry and restart the NIC. While it gets the job done it's hardly transparent to the user...
Programatically disable/enable network interface http://stackoverflow.com/questions/860673/programatically-disable-enable-network-interface enabled disabled so it doesn't actually shut down the NIC. Another solution proposed is using WMI and in particular Win32_NetworkAdapter.. the best I found was not using the technique that ToggleNIC did but instead use the IShellFolder stuff this allows you to..