c++ Programming Glossary: nflags
OpenGL two different 3d rendering picture control on single MFC dialog not working http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12227586/opengl-two-different-3d-rendering-picture-control-on-single-mfc-dialog-not-work void OnTimer UINT nIDEvent afx_msg void OnMouseMove UINT nFlags CPoint point DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP cpp file #include stdafx.h.. CWnd OnTimer nIDEvent void COpenGLControl OnMouseMove UINT nFlags CPoint point int diffX int point.x m_fLastX int diffY int point.y.. float point.x m_fLastY float point.y Left mouse button if nFlags MK_LBUTTON m_fRotX float 0.5f diffY if m_fRotX 360.0f m_fRotX..
How to get screenshot of a window as bitmap object in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7292757/how-to-get-screenshot-of-a-window-as-bitmap-object-in-c signature BOOL PrintWindow HWND hwnd HDC hdcBlt UINT nFlags see MSDN for more details http msdn.microsoft.com en us library..