c++ Programming Glossary: nicely
Autocompletion in Vim http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1115876/autocompletion-in-vim my description of śworking autocompletion p Ctrl N works nicely only if you've forgotton how to spell class or while . Oh well...
How to use enums as flags in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1448396/how-to-use-enums-as-flags-in-c to use enums as flags in C Treating enum s as flags works nicely in C# via the Flags attribute but what's the best way to do..
std::function vs template http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14677997/stdfunction-vs-template ms vs 1241 ms. I assume this is because templates can be nicely inlined while function s cover the internals via virtual calls...
Extracting C / C++ function prototypes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1570917/extracting-c-c-function-prototypes given C C files. It must handle multi line declarations nicely. Is there a program that can do this job The simpler the better...
mixing cout and printf for faster output http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1924530/mixing-cout-and-printf-for-faster-output when writing to the NUL device ...but cout keeps up quite nicely when writing to a real file Quite a few proposed optimizations..
How to easily map c++ enums to strings http://stackoverflow.com/questions/207976/how-to-easily-map-c-enums-to-strings post . Otherwise a std map MyEnum char const will work nicely. No point in copying your string literals to std strings in..
How does C compute sin() and other math functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2284860/how-does-c-compute-sin-and-other-math-functions of sin in pure C is much simpler than glibc's and is nicely commented. Source fdlibm s_sin.c and fdlibm k_sin.c share improve..
Why are Hexadecimal Prefixed as 0x? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2670639/why-are-hexadecimal-prefixed-as-0x octal mainframes had 12 24 or 36 bits per byte which is nicely divisible by 3 log2 8 . The BCPL language used the syntax 8..
C++: Delete this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3150942/c-delete-this mgmt.html#faq 16.15 I think this quote sums it up nicely As long as you're careful it's OK for an object to commit suicide..
C++ Functors - and their uses http://stackoverflow.com/questions/356950/c-functors-and-their-uses the constructor with a different value. This makes them nicely customizable. As the last lines show you often pass functors..
Combining C++ and C - how does #ifdef __cplusplus work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3789340/combining-c-and-c-how-does-ifdef-cplusplus-work no classes or templates for example. extern C blocks nest nicely. There's also extern C if you find yourself hopelessly trapped..
Diamond inheritance (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/379053/diamond-inheritance-c in which I feel that diamond inheritance could fit very nicely. I want to ask would you recommend me to use diamond inheritance..
C++ performance challenge: integer to std::string conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4351371/c-performance-challenge-integer-to-stdstring-conversion via short would cause a segfault but should work very nicely otherwise. One important thing to do is to minimize the use..
Polymorphism in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5854581/polymorphism-in-c describes Standard conversions. The first point summarises nicely from an old draft hopefully still substantially correct 1 Standard..
make_unique and perfect forwarding http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7038357/make-unique-and-perfect-forwarding make_unique SomeUserDefinedType 1 2 3 This hides the new nicely and only mentions the type once. Anyway here is my attempt at..
What's preferred pattern for reading lines from a file in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7219062/whats-preferred-pattern-for-reading-lines-from-a-file-in-c Fault in C Due to the function ifstream Or read this nicely written blog by @Jerry Coffin Reading files share improve..
What's a good hash function for English words? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7700400/whats-a-good-hash-function-for-english-words the same result. This one djb2 is quite popular and works nicely with ASCII strings. unsigned long hashstring unsigned char str..
How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8218997/how-to-detect-the-sun-from-the-space-sky-in-opencv invariant as well. So template matching will work quite nicely here. Finally here is the code that I used to do this #include..
Circular lock-free buffer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/871234/circular-lock-free-buffer typical concurrent queue with reader writer lock will work nicely but the rate of data coming in could be huge so i wanted to..
Memcached on Windows (x64) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8896/memcached-on-windows-x64 to subscribe to and I suspect that 64 and 32 don't play nicely. I'm happy to be corrected on any of this but to answer your..