

c++ Programming Glossary: multimap

what are the fast algorithms to find duplicate elements in a collection and group them?


the data structure say if it's a pre sorted one like std multimap Updates To make things clearer as suggested. there's one constraint.. comparisons. Using a pre sorted container like multiset multimap is not better according to my test since the sorting while inserting.. to be the higher cost operation in your scenario. Using a multimap and retaining the previous element in the final iteration to..

Sorting a std::map by value before output & destroy


I'm trying different solutions as going through a multimap to allow duplicate keys but I'd like to know if there is a more..

how does the stl's multimap insert respect orderings?


does the stl's multimap insert respect orderings I have some data which come with a.. of the data and iterate through it. This sounds like std multimap is just what I need. However I also need data with the same.. data I get to the earlier data before the later data. Does multimap do this I haven't found any guarantees that this is the case...

What are the Complexity guarantees of the standard containers?


Multiple Associative Container Forward Container std multimap Sorted Pair Multiple Associative Container Forward Container..

multiset, map and hash map complexity


theory big o share improve this question map set multimap and multiset These are implemented using a red black tree a.. n Lookup O log n Deletion O log n hash_map hash_set hash_multimap and hash_multiset These are implemented using hash tables ...

stl::multimap - how do i get groups of data?


multimap how do i get groups of data Multimap essentially has groups.. and get their aggregate values. For example in a std multimap string int I store Group1 1 Group1 2 Group1 3 Group2 10 Group2.. stored these values I should be able to iterate this multimap and get the aggregate values of each group . Problem is there..

Do STL iterators guarantee validity after collection was changed?


General use cases for C++ containers


the C standard library containers bitset deque list map multimap multiset priority_queue queue set stack vector For example a..

Rules for Iterator Invalidation


over STL container classes Vector Dequeue list map multimap set multiset . Is it possible to categorize and sum up some..

Why was pair range access removed from C++11?


Iter Iter const x return iter_pair_range Iter x int main multimap int int mm ... for auto p as_range mm.equal_range 42 ... untested..