c++ Programming Glossary: mere
In C++, why use static_cast<int>(x) instead of (int)x? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/103512/in-c-why-use-static-castintx-instead-of-intx is like a Siren with Red Flashing Lights in your code. The mere typing of it should cause you to feel VERY uncomfortable. That..
CRTP and dynamic polymorphism compile error http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15570333/crtp-and-dynamic-polymorphism-compile-error code compile If not why It shouldn't compile because the mere fact of making C also derive from A explicitly notice that you..
Pointer expressions: *ptr++, *++ptr and ++*ptr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18481740/pointer-expressions-ptr-ptr-and-ptr works in a given code snippet. As most of the time only a mere paragraph of theory gets flown over my head. Thanks in advance...
Spinlock versus Semaphore http://stackoverflow.com/questions/195853/spinlock-versus-semaphore congestion the overhead of acquiring the spinlock is a mere dozen cycles as compared to hundreds thousands of cycles for..
constant variables not working in header http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2328671/constant-variables-not-working-in-header PI const double PI_over_180 PI 180.0f 2 Or you can put mere non defining declarations into the header file and put the definitions..
Physical constness of a class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2352902/physical-constness-of-a-class objects the manifestations of that UB are not limited to a mere program crash if they are really in RO memory . For example..
Are raw C++ pointers first class objects? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2695169/are-raw-c-pointers-first-class-objects not built in for Pointers in C . If we are using pointers merely to 'point' to data it will satisfy the requirements of being.. while the corresponding Smart Pointers are. In contrast mere tracking pointers would continue to meet the requirements for..
questions about name mangling in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2937273/questions-about-name-mangling-in-c variables do not have names in resulting object file for mere reason that linker does not need to know about them. So no name..
How is dynamic_cast typically implemented? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3314944/how-is-dynamic-cast-typically-implemented is dynamic_cast typically implemented Is the type check a mere integer comparison Or would it make sense to have a GetTypeId.. needed to support such casts are more complicated than a mere scalar type id. The information the dynamic_cast is using is..
What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3601602/what-are-rvalues-lvalues-xvalues-glvalues-and-prvalues needed Are the WG21 gods just trying to confuse us mere mortals c expression c faq c 11 share improve this question..
Fair comparison of fork() Vs Thread [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3934992/fair-comparison-of-fork-vs-thread
Pointer to member conversion http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4295117/pointer-to-member-conversion checked by the compiler. This requirement is included as a mere note into 5.2.9 9 but it is reiterated in a more formal form..
Smart pointers in container like std::vector? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4577838/smart-pointers-in-container-like-stdvector of copying a std auto_ptr has a meaning other than a mere copy of an object it means transferring an ownership . Your..
Making swap faster, easier to use and exception-safe http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4875289/making-swap-faster-easier-to-use-and-exception-safe than in C in C we must not treat objects as if they are mere raw bytes . That's why we have construction and destruction..
C/C++: Array size at run time w/o dynamic allocation is allowed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/737240/c-c-array-size-at-run-time-w-o-dynamic-allocation-is-allowed C for a few years and today I don't know if this is a mere brainfart or what but how can this be perfectly legal int main..
Why doesn't C++ support dynamic arrays on the stack? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7458857/why-doesnt-c-support-dynamic-arrays-on-the-stack vs Hamsters discussion see it as a historical question mere interest in the advantages and disadvantages that were considered..
why is this so much slower in c++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7809473/why-is-this-so-much-slower-in-c people have said they have tested this code and it takes mere seconds for them. All I know is if I comment out the call to..
conversion of 2D array to pointer-to-pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8203700/conversion-of-2d-array-to-pointer-to-pointer c pointers static share improve this question A mere conversion won't help you here. There's no compatibility of..