c++ Programming Glossary: memblock
Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8977489/problems-converting-yv12-to-rgb-through-glsl 1280 ImgHeight 720 ImageYUV new GLushort yuv_file_sz char memblock new char yuv_file_sz if memblock std cout GLWidget GLWidget.. GLushort yuv_file_sz char memblock new char yuv_file_sz if memblock std cout GLWidget GLWidget Failed to allocate memblock return.. if memblock std cout GLWidget GLWidget Failed to allocate memblock return yuv_file.seekg 0 std ios beg yuv_file.read memblock yuv_file_sz..
Image scaling (KeepAspectRatioByExpanding) through OpenGL http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9011108/image-scaling-keepaspectratiobyexpanding-through-opengl file return int yuv_file_sz yuv_file.tellg unsigned char memblock new unsigned char yuv_file_sz if memblock qDebug GLWidget GLWidget.. unsigned char memblock new unsigned char yuv_file_sz if memblock qDebug GLWidget GLWidget Failed to allocate memblock return.. if memblock qDebug GLWidget GLWidget Failed to allocate memblock return yuv_file.seekg 0 std ios beg yuv_file.read char memblock..