c++ Programming Glossary: mem_fun
std::mem_fun vs std::mem_fn http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11680807/stdmem-fun-vs-stdmem-fn mem_fun vs std mem_fn What is the difference between std mem_fun and.. mem_fun vs std mem_fn What is the difference between std mem_fun and std mem_fn Why is the naming so confusing Boost's documentation.. Boost's documentation says that std mem_fn can replace std mem_fun in most cases. So in what situation would you still use std..
Casting between void * and a pointer to member function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1307278/casting-between-void-and-a-pointer-to-member-function below. Use a technique similar to that of Boost.Bind's mem_fun to return a function object which you can template on appropriately...
Calling a C++ function pointer on a specific object instance http://stackoverflow.com/questions/151418/calling-a-c-function-pointer-on-a-specific-object-instance such as boost function int int f X x f std bind1st std mem_fun X foo x f 5 Call x.foo 5 Unfortunately Boost is not an option..
problem sorting using member function as comparator http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1902311/problem-sorting-using-member-function-as-comparator a return value I think it should be possible to use std mem_fun and some sort of binding to turn the member function into a..
Boost.Bind to access std::map elements in std::for_each http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2311752/boost-bind-to-access-stdmap-elements-in-stdfor-each for its binding to members capability. Now if you look at mem_fun scroll down to the data member support part you'll see that..
how to specify a pointer to an overloaded function? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2942426/how-to-specify-a-pointer-to-an-overloaded-function i overload If f is a member function then you need to use mem_fun or for your case use the solution presented in this Dr. Dobb's..
getting a normal ptr from shared_ptr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505143/getting-a-normal-ptr-from-shared-ptr i have something like shared_ptr t makeSomething mem_fun Type deleteMe i now need to call C styled func that require..
How to convert void (__thiscall MyClass::* )(void *) to void (__cdecl *)(void *) pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5326251/how-to-convert-void-thiscall-myclass-void-to-void-cdecl-void __cdecl void m_ThreadHandle _beginthread std bind1st std mem_fun IThread ThreadMain this m_StackSize NULL Error cannot convert..
Using bind1st for a method that takes argument by reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7822652/using-bind1st-for-a-method-that-takes-argument-by-reference i int i void s string const s Now when I try this bind1st mem_fun A i a 0 bind1st mem_fun A s a The first line compiles OK but.. s Now when I try this bind1st mem_fun A i a 0 bind1st mem_fun A s a The first line compiles OK but the second generates an.. member function already defined or declared with _Fn2 std mem_fun1_t void A const std string _Elem char _Traits std char_traits..