c++ Programming Glossary: merging
Split a string using C++ boost::split without splitting inside quoted text http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13406387/split-a-string-using-c-boostsplit-without-splitting-inside-quoted-text for quote characters at beginning and ending of tokens and merging using delimiters the tokens between the the occurrence of a..
Why aren't my include guards preventing recursive inclusion and multiple symbol definitions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14909997/why-arent-my-include-guards-preventing-recursive-inclusion-and-multiple-symbol on the fact that multiple definitions being found when merging the object code obtained from the compilation of source1.cpp.. is included in different translation unit. Yet when merging the object code generated from the compilation of all the .cpp..
Tool to create an amalgamation/combine all source files of a library into one for C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2719311/tool-to-create-an-amalgamation-combine-all-source-files-of-a-library-into-one-fo need to do it once it will be fine. Then again even if merging the header files might make sense I prefer not to do it. I would..
What to do about a 11000 lines C++ source file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3615789/what-to-do-about-a-11000-lines-c-source-file to simply split it up say for a start into 3 files then merging back changes from maintenance versions will become a nightmare... here We use Araxis Merge to do actual comparison and merging of files c version control source code maintenance anti patterns.. ability to apply the same change to multiple branches by merging but this is in any case the core of code where merging doesn't..
Is it possible to do an inplace merge without temporary storage? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4373307/is-it-possible-to-do-an-inplace-merge-without-temporary-storage this question There are several known algorithms for merging in place though some of them are fairly complex. The general.. details one algorithm. I recently read a paper on in place merging called Practical In Place Merging that details a fairly simple..
String literals not allowed as non type template parameters http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5547852/string-literals-not-allowed-as-non-type-template-parameters connect these units together and part of that process is merging identities. Identifiers have linkage sup internal linkage means..
#include anywhere http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5568274/include-anywhere on it for example pulling in machine generated code or merging all translation units in a single file. share improve this..
C/C++: Optimization of pointers to string constants http://stackoverflow.com/questions/690176/c-c-optimization-of-pointers-to-string-constants all. Compilers will vary in how aggressive they are at merging duplicate string literals. They might limit themselves to a.. unit. Others might rely on the linker to do further merging among multiple compilation units. You can't rely on this behavior..
Square detection doesn't find squares http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7731742/square-detection-doesnt-find-squares from slider and set the lower to 0 which forces edges merging Canny gray0 gray 0 thresh 5 dilate canny output to remove..
How does this has_member class template work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9117603/how-does-this-has-member-class-template-work into S f C . 6 The following steps define the result of merging lookup set S f B i into the intermediate S f C If each of the..
Why is splitting a string slower in C++ than Python? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9378500/why-is-splitting-a-string-slower-in-c-than-python I finally figured out how to split a string in C with merging delimiters similar semantics to python's split and am now experiencing.. does not rely on external libraries i.e. no boost supports merging sequences of delimiters like python's split is thread safe so..