c++ Programming Glossary: loword
Non-static members not accessible in static function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17789402/non-static-members-not-accessible-in-static-function WPARAM wParam LPARAM lParam ...... case WM_COMMAND int ctl LOWORD wParam int event HIWORD wParam if ctl IDC_PREVIOUS event BN_CLICKED..
How can I change the background color of a button WinAPI C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18745447/how-can-i-change-the-background-color-of-a-button-winapi-c exit EXIT_FAILURE break case WM_COMMAND switch LOWORD wParam case IDC_EXIT_BUTTON SendMessage hwnd WM_CLOSE..
fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2582521/fatal-error-c1014-too-many-include-files-depth-1024 and unpause it when it becomes active. case WM_ACTIVATE if LOWORD wParam WA_INACTIVE mAppPaused true mTimer.stop else mAppPaused.. WM_SIZE Save the new client area dimensions. mClientWidth LOWORD lParam mClientHeight HIWORD lParam if md3dDevice if wParam..
c++ using too much cpu http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3561613/c-using-too-much-cpu hWnd EVERYTHING_ID 1 NULL break case WM_COMMAND wmId LOWORD wParam wmEvent HIWORD wParam Parse the menu selections switch.. case WM_INITDIALOG return INT_PTR TRUE case WM_COMMAND if LOWORD wParam IDOK LOWORD wParam IDCANCEL EndDialog hDlg LOWORD wParam.. return INT_PTR TRUE case WM_COMMAND if LOWORD wParam IDOK LOWORD wParam IDCANCEL EndDialog hDlg LOWORD wParam return INT_PTR..
Is 'volatile' needed in this multi-threaded C++ code? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3612505/is-volatile-needed-in-this-multi-threaded-c-code LPARAM lParam switch message case WM_COMMAND switch LOWORD wParam ... case IDCANCEL case IDC_BUTTON_CANCEL switch progressMode_..
How to get the version information of a DLL file in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/420185/how-to-get-the-version-information-of-a-dll-file-in-c vsfi len aVersion 0 HIWORD vsfi dwFileVersionMS aVersion 1 LOWORD vsfi dwFileVersionMS aVersion 2 HIWORD vsfi dwFileVersionLS.. aVersion 2 HIWORD vsfi dwFileVersionLS aVersion 3 LOWORD vsfi dwFileVersionLS delete versionInfo share improve this..
How do I programatically get the version of a DLL or EXE file? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/940707/how-do-i-programatically-get-the-version-of-a-dll-or-exe-file int major HIWORD verInfo dwFileVersionMS int minor LOWORD verInfo dwFileVersionMS int build verInfo dwFileVersionLS ..