

c++ Programming Glossary: leaving

What is a smart pointer and when should I use one?


are now two references to the object. p2 is destroyed leaving one reference to the object. p1 is destroyed leaving a reference.. leaving one reference to the object. p1 is destroyed leaving a reference count of zero. The object is deleted. Reference..

What does a colon following a C++ constructor name do?


of them if you want with values of your choice instead of leaving them as undefined. After executing the initialization list the..

throwing exceptions out of a destructor


Tools to find included headers which are unused? [closed]


moves from one implementation file to another leaving us with a pretty good mess by this point. I can obviously do..

Weird MSC 8.0 error: “The value of ESP was not properly saved across a function call…”


calling conventions __cdecl etc. for our functions leaving all the compiler switches on the default. I checked and the.. RTC1 equiv. to RTCsu to Default and the run time vanished leaving the program running apparently correctly. I do not trust this..

What is “cache-friendly” code?


computer architectures the performance bottleneck is leaving the CPU die e.g. accessing RAM or higher . This will only get..

Const correctness for value parameters


errors. Is it a best practice Do you go to the extreme of leaving the const out of the header file Is it just as useful to const..

Is it good practice to NULL a pointer after deleting it?


std vector works and it solves the problem of accidentally leaving pointers to deallocated memory around. There are no pointers...

Why global and static variables are initialized to their default values?


for this c c share improve this question Security leaving memory alone would leak information from other processes or.. zero them in a block with unrolled loops. Reproducibility leaving the values alone would make program behavior non repeatable..

How to learn proper C++? [closed]


answers every day. I don't want to name anyone in fear of leaving someone out but check out the leaderboard for the stackoverflow..

What is move semantics?


the contents with the copy and then get rid of the copy by leaving the scope. Nothing new here. But if you say a x y the move constructor..

What is the copy-and-swap idiom?


to take the resources from another instance of the class leaving it in a state guaranteed to be assignable and destructible...

When should static_cast, dynamic_cast and reinterpret_cast be used?


What is std::move()?


just copy its internal pointer to data to the new object leaving the moved object in an incorrect state avoiding to copy all..

What is The Rule of Three?


and the next statement might throw an exception leaving the object in an invalid state name new char strlen that.name..

mmap() vs. reading blocks


with data munmap data page_size off page_size Clearly I'm leaving out details like how to determine when you reach the end of..

Operator Precedence vs Order of Evaluation


Order of Evaluation depends on the precedence of operators leaving cases of Unspecified Behavior. I would like to be corrected..

Why should `new` be used as little as possible?


You want to allocate memory which will persist after leaving the current block. For instance you may want to write a function..

Qt/mingw32 undefined reference errors… unable to link a .lib


lQtOpenGLd4 lQtGuid4 lQtCored4 mingw32 make 1 Leaving directory `C Documents and Settings JP My Documents QTProjects.. JP My Documents QTProjects SilverEye' mingw32 make Leaving directory `C Documents and Settings JP My Documents QTProjects..

Is this a good way to embed debugging message in my program? (Macros)


Real-world advantage of namespace aliases vs defines [closed]


want to make the change and what can go wrong if I don't. Leaving aside the stance that macros are evil what are the downfalls..

Boost.Log with CMake causing undefined reference error


build CMakeFiles main.dir DependInfo.cmake color make 2 Leaving directory ` home durrw boost log test build' make f CMakeFiles..

Seg Fault when using std::string on an embedded Linux platform


problem by uncommenting the string list or vector lines. Leaving them commented results in the application running to completion...

Linker error: undefined reference to `std::ctype<char>::_M_widen_init()


lstate lmobutil ldist lstdc lcrypto lpthread lm make 1 Leaving directory ` home rumi MobiusProject Multiproc Paper Transformer.. rumi MobiusProject Multiproc Paper Transformer ssg' make Leaving directory ` home rumi MobiusProject Multiproc Paper Transformer..

MingW Netbeans 6.9.1 problem


make 1 .build conf Error 2 make .build impl Error 2 make 2 Leaving directory ' c Documents and Settings Marco My Documents NetBeansProjects.. My Documents NetBeansProjects CppApplication_1' make 1 Leaving directory ' c Documents and Settings Marco My Documents NetBeansProjects..

Why do std::shared_ptr<void> work


std endl v.push_back std shared_ptr test new test std cout Leaving scope std endl std cout Leaving main std endl return 0 This.. test new test std cout Leaving scope std endl std cout Leaving main std endl return 0 This program gives the output At begin.. std vector std shared_ptr void Creating test Test created Leaving scope Leaving main Test destroyed I have some ideas on why this..

C/C++: Detecting superfluous #includes?


a few #includes that don't need to be there and anymore. Leaving them there only prolong the compile time and adds unnecessary..

Building multiple executables with similar rules


g o even_or_odd even_or_odd even_or_odd main.o make 1 Leaving directory ` home max src all_lessons' even_or_odd . even_or_odd.. main.d helloworld lesson.d helloworld helloworld make 1 Leaving directory ` home max src all_lessons' Clean all projects helloworld..

Is there a way to get function name inside a C++ function?


~FuncTracer TCHAR strLog MAX_PATH _stprintf strLog _T Leaving Func s Time inside the func d ms m_strFuncName GetTickCount..

Why does my code compile with -fno-exceptions in Qt Creator when I try to use exceptions?


frtti Wall fno exceptions ... main.cpp mingw32 make.exe 1 Leaving directory `G proj ingeritance' main.cpp In function 'int qMain..

Error: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64, collect2: ld returned 1 exit status


exit status make Test.app Contents MacOS Test Error 1 make Leaving directory ` Users jonathanbibas Documents Workspace Qt Test..