

c++ Programming Glossary: leaq

what's the mechanism of sizeof() in C/C++?


the assemble code you'll find sth like this movl 4 esi leaq LC0 rip rdi xorl eax eax call _printf So the compiler put directly..

Dual emission of constructor symbols


6 16 .cfi_def_cfa_register 6 subq 48 rsp movq rdi 40 rbp leaq 32 rbp rax movq rax rdi call _ZN5ThingC1Ev leaq 32 rbp rax movq.. rdi 40 rbp leaq 32 rbp rax movq rax rdi call _ZN5ThingC1Ev leaq 32 rbp rax movq rax rdi call _ZN5ThingD1Ev leave ret .cfi_endproc..

Hoisting the dynamic type out of a loop (a.k.a. doing Java the C++ way)


86 ret 87 .align 4 88 L18 89 cmpl 65535 esi 90 jne L17 91 leaq __ZStL8__ioinit rip rdi 92 call __ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev 93.. 93 movq ___dso_handle@GOTPCREL rip rdx 94 xorl esi esi 95 leaq ___tcf_0 rip rdi 96 leave 97 jmp ___cxa_atexit 98 LFE1649 99.. 115 pushq rbp 116 LCFI14 117 movq rsp rbp 118 LCFI15 119 leaq __ZStL8__ioinit rip rdi 120 leave 121 jmp __ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev..