c++ Programming Glossary: grabs
OpenCV frame capture from AVI http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10569510/opencv-frame-capture-from-avi each frame of an AVI file but when I run my code it only grabs the first frame of the file. The CV_CAP_PROP_POS_FRAMES does..
Dereferencing a double-level pointer results in different behaviour from dereferencing a single-level pointer http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16256158/dereferencing-a-double-level-pointer-results-in-different-behaviour-from-derefer same thing as dereferencing a single level pointer i.e. it grabs the value at the memory address the pointer contains How would..
How do I stop windows from blocking the program during a window drag or menu button being held down? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18041622/how-do-i-stop-windows-from-blocking-the-program-during-a-window-drag-or-menu-but blocking your program's flow during the event when a user grabs the window title bar and moves it around the screen. I have..
fatal error C1014: too many include files : depth = 1024 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2582521/fatal-error-c1014-too-many-include-files-depth-1024 onResize return 0 WM_EXITSIZEMOVE is sent when the user grabs the resize bars. case WM_ENTERSIZEMOVE mAppPaused true mResizing..
Coding progress bar advice http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3658435/coding-progress-bar-advice read the file size then each time the the input buffer grabs another block from the file reader update your progress indicator...
How to read a file and get words in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3693454/how-to-read-a-file-and-get-words-in-c do word_iter . Every time the iterator is incremented it grabs another word from its stream. If you have multiple iterators..
Beyond Stack Sampling: C++ Profilers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4394606/beyond-stack-sampling-c-profilers Most profilers are CPU sampling. A CPU sampling profiler grabs a stack trace every N instructions. This technique will reveal.. their time fighting over a mutex. A time sampling profiler grabs a stack trace every N microseconds. This technique will zero..
How do you get a file in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/621425/how-do-you-get-a-file-in-c c cin.get cout.put c getchar PS I realize that this code grabs and puts out every character. For now that's fine once I can..
Why is the new operator allowed to return *void to every pointer-type? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8962467/why-is-the-new-operator-allowed-to-return-void-to-every-pointer-type they are different. The function void operator new size_t grabs a block of raw untyped memory from whatever tree it grows on..