c++ Programming Glossary: green
Algorithm improvement for Coca-Cola can shape recognition http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10168686/algorithm-improvement-for-coca-cola-can-shape-recognition You can see a sample below with the can recognized in the green rectangle with scale and rotation. Some contraints on the project..
How to determine a region of interest and then crop an image using OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15693900/how-to-determine-a-region-of-interest-and-then-crop-an-image-using-opencv that on this answer . For testing purposes we can draw green lines between those points to display the area we are interested..
1D or 2D array, what's faster? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17259877/1d-or-2d-array-whats-faster square is the memory position occupied by p itself. The green squares are the memory region p points to 4 x int . The 4 regions.. blue squares are the ones pointed to by each int in the green region This also means that you will probably observe worse.. N M sizeof int the actual blue data N sizeof int thw green pointers sizeof int bytes. the violet variable p There are 4..
GetDIBits and loop through pixels using X, Y http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3688409/getdibits-and-loop-through-pixels-using-x-y Image.Width x 3 for y 1 y Image.Height y 3 red lpPixels x green lpPixels x 1 blue lpPixels x 2 That's basically what I want.. x 2 That's basically what I want to do so if red blue and green is a certain color I'll know what coordinate it's at x y in.. bitmap array represents the relative intensities of blue green and red respectively for a pixel. The high byte in each DWORD..
Factory method implementation - C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/410823/factory-method-implementation-c Color public Color int r int g int b int a 0 m_red r m_green g m_blue other.blue m_alpha a Color const Color other m_red.. m_alpha a Color const Color other m_red other.red m_green other.green m_blue other.blue m_alpha other.alpha int red const.. a Color const Color other m_red other.red m_green other.green m_blue other.blue m_alpha other.alpha int red const return..
Draw on webcam using OpenCV http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5490655/draw-on-webcam-using-opencv cvCircle image cvPoint last_x last_y 10 CV_RGB red green blue 1 CV_AA 0 cvCopy image screenBuffer 0 cvShowImage Demo..
How can I read BMP pixel values into an array? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5751749/how-can-i-read-bmp-pixel-values-into-an-array with the pixel values. First is that the order is blue green red just opposite of the way everybody else does it. Second..
How does photoshop blend two images together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5919663/how-does-photoshop-blend-two-images-together with RGB pixels the channels in each pixel would be red green and blue. To blend two pixels we blend their respective channels...
Convert string to variable name or variable type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7143120/convert-string-to-variable-name-or-variable-type fruit cin fruit user inputs apple makeVariable fruit a green round object and then be able to just access it by doing something.. to just access it by doing something like cout apple a green round object Thanks in advance c string share improve this..
Executing cv::warpPerspective for a fake deskewing on a set of cv::Point http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7838487/executing-cvwarpperspective-for-a-fake-deskewing-on-a-set-of-cvpoint effect I'm using the image below for tests and the green rectangle display the area of interest. I was wondering if it's.. Point 1912 291 For debugging purposes draw green lines connecting those points and save it on disk const Point.. Point 1912 291 For debugging purposes draw green lines connecting those points and save it on disk const Point..
How to detect the Sun from the space sky in OpenCv? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8218997/how-to-detect-the-sun-from-the-space-sky-in-opencv circle float circle float cvGetSeqElem circles 0 Drawing green center dot cvCircle image cvPoint cvRound circle 0 cvRound circle..
writing robust (color and size invariant) circle detection with opencv (based on Hough transform or other features) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9860667/writing-robust-color-and-size-invariant-circle-detection-with-opencv-based-on storage i 0 0 y int np.asarray storage i 0 1 center x y # green dot on center and red circle around cv.Circle orig center 1..
How to represent 18bit color depth to 16bit color depth? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1056879/how-to-represent-18bit-color-depth-to-16bit-color-depth the device I can only speculate. Devices are typically Red Green Blue so each color would get 6 bits of variation. That means..
glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11150983/glteximage2d-failing-in-glut-freetype-example-with-opengl-3-and-above 1 transparent_green render_text The Transparent Green Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog 1 8 sx 1 380 sy sx sy render_text.. Lazy Dog 1 8 sx 1 380 sy sx sy render_text The Transparent Green Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog 1 18 sx 1 440 sy sx sy glutSwapBuffers..
When does a constexpr function get evaluated at compile time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14248235/when-does-a-constexpr-function-get-evaluated-at-compile-time enum element declaration like Blue in enum Color Red Blue Green another variable declared constexpr and so on. They might be..
Rendering issue with different computers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18064988/rendering-issue-with-different-computers 0xff0000ff High Red 0xff00ffff Med Yellow 0xff00ff00 Low Green 0xffffffff White int col_idx min severity GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH..
How to output this 24 bit image in Qt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4730563/how-to-output-this-24-bit-image-in-qt of the input image. Chars is populated in the order Red Green Blue I am trying to read it with something like this QImage..
How does photoshop blend two images together? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5919663/how-does-photoshop-blend-two-images-together M1 return TRUE int32 Color_RgbToHls uint8 Red uint8 Green uint8 Blue float64 Hue float64 Lumination float64 Saturation.. Saturation float64 Delta float64 Max Min float64 Redf Greenf Bluef Redf float64 Red 255.0F Greenf float64 Green 255.0F Bluef.. Max Min float64 Redf Greenf Bluef Redf float64 Red 255.0F Greenf float64 Green 255.0F Bluef float64 Blue 255.0F Max max max..
Grayscale to Red-Green-Blue (MATLAB Jet) color scale http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7706339/grayscale-to-red-green-blue-matlab-jet-color-scale to Red Green Blue MATLAB Jet color scale I was given a data set that is..
Allow for Range-Based For with enum classes? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8498300/allow-for-range-based-for-with-enum-classes that I would like to improve enum class COLOR Blue Red Green Purple First Blue Last Purple inline COLOR operator COLOR x..
How to project a 3d point to a 3d plane http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9605556/how-to-project-a-3d-point-to-a-3d-plane of blue and green dist above . Blue is normal dist . Green blue 1 to find planar_xyz start from point and add the green..
Colour output of program run under BASH http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9943187/colour-output-of-program-run-under-bash 7 Reverse 8 Hidden Foreground colors 30 Black 31 Red 32 Green 33 Yellow 34 Blue 35 Magenta 36 Cyan 37 White Background colors.. 36 Cyan 37 White Background colors 40 Black 41 Red 42 Green 43 Yellow 44 Blue 45 Magenta 46 Cyan 47 White So outputting..