c++ Programming Glossary: grid
How can I call C++ functions from within ruby http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1542520/how-can-i-call-c-functions-from-within-ruby
cudaMemcpy segmentation fault http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15431365/cudamemcpy-segmentation-fault CurrentGrid and Grid_dev are pointer to a grid class object on host and device respectively and i 0 in this.. error happened below. Many thanks __global__ void Print grid int __global__ void Printcell grid int void CopyDataToHost param_t.. __global__ void Print grid int __global__ void Printcell grid int void CopyDataToHost param_t p grid CurrentGrid grid Grid_dev..
CUDA how to get grid, block, thread size and parallalize non square matrix calculation http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5643178/cuda-how-to-get-grid-block-thread-size-and-parallalize-non-square-matrix-calcu how to get grid block thread size and parallalize non square matrix calculation.. but still do not understand how to get the proper no. of grids block threads going and use them effectively. c visual studio..
Program is generating same random numbers on each run? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7592129/program-is-generating-same-random-numbers-on-each-run int Time time 0 cout Welcome to Minesweeper. endl setup grid Box grid 10 10 for int i 0 i WIDTH i for int n 0 n HEIGHT n.. time 0 cout Welcome to Minesweeper. endl setup grid Box grid 10 10 for int i 0 i WIDTH i for int n 0 n HEIGHT n unsigned.. unsigned int value rand 100 1 cout value endl if value 38 grid i n .setFill MINE cout i n is mined. endl else grid i n .setFill..
A better way to split a string into an array of strings in C/C++ using whitespace as a delimiter http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3162108/a-better-way-to-split-a-string-into-an-array-of-strings-in-c-c-using-whitespac that the control Gadgets will attempt to interpret BOOL CLVGridDateTimeCtrl ParseTextWithCurrentFormat const CString str const.. help of the Date control and the current format BOOL CLVGridDateTimeCtrl ConvertControlTextToValue CString str ROWCOL nRow.. pStyle NULL BOOL bSuccess FALSE if pOldStyle NULL pStyle Grid CreateStyle Grid ComposeStyleRowCol nRow nCol pStyle pOldStyle..
Fast and flexible iterator for abstract class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3960948/fast-and-flexible-iterator-for-abstract-class in a fast and flexible way I set up an abstract templated GridDataStructure class. The data should be accessed by STL iterators... of performance. My class design template class T class GridDataStructure public virtual iterator begin 0 virtual iterator.. begin 0 virtual iterator end 0 template class T class GridDataUniform GridDataStructure public GridDataUniform int size..
Qt GUI Development - Displaying a 2D grid using QGraphicsView http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8279567/qt-gui-development-displaying-a-2d-grid-using-qgraphicsview qt gui qgraphicsview share improve this question A 2D Grid is nothing more than a set of horizontal and vertical lines...
Return a 2d array from a function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8617683/return-a-2d-array-from-a-function array from a function. It is something like this int MakeGridOfCounts int Grid 6 int cGrid 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 return cGrid c.. It is something like this int MakeGridOfCounts int Grid 6 int cGrid 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 return cGrid c 2d array share.. something like this int MakeGridOfCounts int Grid 6 int cGrid 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 return cGrid c 2d array share improve this..