c++ Programming Glossary: ffffffff
Why does the output of >> applied on a negative number is filled with ones on the MSBs if it's declared as integer? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15729765/why-does-the-output-of-applied-on-a-negative-number-is-filled-with-ones-on-th i X ~t X n t i 128 ~t i ~t return 0 and the Output is t FFFFFFFF i 128 FFFFFFF8 ~t i 0 ~t 0 t FFFFFFFF i 128 FFFFFFF9 ~t i 0.. and the Output is t FFFFFFFF i 128 FFFFFFF8 ~t i 0 ~t 0 t FFFFFFFF i 128 FFFFFFF9 ~t i 0 ~t 0 t FFFFFFFF i 128 FFFFFFFA ~t i 0.. ~t i 0 ~t 0 t FFFFFFFF i 128 FFFFFFF9 ~t i 0 ~t 0 t FFFFFFFF i 128 FFFFFFFA ~t i 0 ~t 0 t FFFFFFFF i 128 FFFFFFFB ~t i 0..
Unusual heap size limitations in VS2003 C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2469738/unusual-heap-size-limitations-in-vs2003-c mov dword ptr pvReturn eax 0040B11B or dword ptr ebp 4 0FFFFFFFFh 0040B11F call L19916 40B157h L19917 0040B124 mov eax dword.. 29h 40B189h With the registers as follows EAX 009C8AF0 EBX FFFFFFFF ECX 009C8A88 EDX 00747365 ESI 00430F80 EDI 00430F80 EIP 0040B160..