c++ Programming Glossary: ehsc
Qt - Error 2 at compile time http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10434064/qt-error-2-at-compile-time bin jom.exe cl c nologo Zm200 Zc wchar_t Zi MDd GR EHsc W3 w34100 w34189 DUNICODE DWIN32 DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT DQT_DLL.. main.obj.1464.0.jom cl c nologo Zm200 Zc wchar_t Zi MDd GR EHsc W3 w34100 w34189 DUNICODE DWIN32 DQT_LARGEFILE_SUPPORT DQT_DLL..
Possible compiler bug in Visual C++ 2012 (x86)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13051930/possible-compiler-bug-in-visual-c-2012-x86 short example test.cpp below and compile using cl GL O2 EHsc test.cpp link MACHINE X86 The output should be 10 10 but it..
what are the fast algorithms to find duplicate elements in a collection and group them? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1332527/what-are-the-fast-algorithms-to-find-duplicate-elements-in-a-collection-and-grou 7 comparisons ' ' 53 ' ' 7 Code compile with VC 10 cl.exe EHsc #include vector #include deque #include list #include map #include..
How to separate CUDA code into multiple files http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2090974/how-to-separate-cuda-code-into-multiple-files Files x86 Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 VC bin Xcompiler EHsc W3 nologo O2 Zi MT maxrregcount 32 compile o x64 Debug KernelSupport.cu.obj..
When is #include <new> library required in C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2788388/when-is-include-new-library-required-in-c for me without this include new_op_new.cpp compile with EHsc #include new #include iostream using namespace std class MyClass..
How do I get projects to place their build output into the same directory with Scons? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/279860/how-do-i-get-projects-to-place-their-build-output-into-the-same-directory-with-s '_MBCS' 'WXUSINGDLL' '__WXDEBUG__' CCFLAGS ' W4 EHsc RTC1 MDd nologo Zi TP errorReport prompt' env.Decider 'MD5 timestamp'..
Boost.Thread throws bad_alloc exception in VS2010 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2914666/boost-thread-throws-bad-alloc-exception-in-vs2010 Oy GL D WIN32 D NDEBUG D _CONSOLE D _UNICODE D UNICODE Gm EHsc GS Gy fp precise Zc wchar_t Zc forScope Fp Release Client.pch..
How to use Application Verifier to find memory leaks http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2955858/how-to-use-application-verifier-to-find-memory-leaks the executable using the following command lines cl c EHsc Zi Od MDd test.cpp link debug test.obj I downloaded Application..
Does the C++ standard mandate poor performance for iostreams, or am I just dealing with a poor implementation? [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4340396/does-the-c-standard-mandate-poor-performance-for-iostreams-or-am-i-just-deali 11.4 ms char 3.7 ms On my laptop Visual C 2010 x86 cl Ox EHsc Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit Intel Core i7 8 GB RAM ostringstream.. Visual C 2010 x86 with Profile Guided Optimization cl Ox EHsc GL c link ltcg pgi run link ltcg pgo measure ostringstream 61.2.. char 3.57 ms 3.75 ms Same laptop Visual C 2008 SP1 cl Ox EHsc ostringstream 88.7 ms 87.6 ms stringbuf 23.3 ms 23.4 ms vector..
Why/when is __declspec( dllimport ) not needed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4489441/why-when-is-declspec-dllimport-not-needed _USRDLL D SERVER_EXPORTS D _UNICODE D UNICODE D _WINDLL Gm EHsc RTC1 MDd Yu stdafx.h Fp Debug server.pch Fo Debug Fd Debug vc80.pdb.. server D WIN32 D _DEBUG D _CONSOLE D _UNICODE D UNICODE Gm EHsc RTC1 MDd Fo Debug Fd Debug vc80.pdb W3 c Wp64 ZI TP . client.cpp..
C++, __try and try/catch/finally http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7049502/c-try-and-try-catch-finally Enable C Exceptions setting in important Try it both with EHsc the default and EHa to see the difference class Example public..
How to show command line build options in Visual C++ 2008? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/823854/how-to-show-command-line-build-options-in-visual-c-2008 a output like this cl.exe Od I includepath D _UNICODE FD EHsc RTC1 MDd Zc wchar_t Fo Debug Fd Debug vc90.pdb nologo c ZI TP..
How to add qi::symbols in grammar<Iterator,double()>? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8780604/how-to-add-qisymbols-in-grammariterator-double with boost 1.47 https gist.github.com 1582163 Output T cl EHsc I c Program Files x86 boost boost_1_47 test.cpp Microsoft R..
Running small C++ programs in Visual Studio without creating projects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/880803/running-small-c-programs-in-visual-studio-without-creating-projects ProgramFiles Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0 VC bin cl.exe Zi EHsc D_WIN32_WINNT WIN32_WINNT 1 link incremental no LIBRARIES echo..
very basic regex scenario works different than my expectation on libstdc++-v3 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9804823/very-basic-regex-scenario-works-different-than-my-expectation-on-libstdc-v3 on my Windows machine using Visual Studio 2010 I've C cl EHsc test.cpp C test.exe true m 1 bbbb m 2 cc I'm not an expert but..