c++ Programming Glossary: editors
Should i use the same name for a member variable and a function parameter in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10250016/should-i-use-the-same-name-for-a-member-variable-and-a-function-parameter-in-c variable from function parameters like _ or m_ In some editors like QT designer member functions are of different color this..
C/C++, can you #include a file into a string literal? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1246301/c-c-can-you-include-a-file-into-a-string-literal file because it's more organized and works better with editors emacs isn't smart enough to recognize that a C string literal..
What's the real reason to not use the EOF bit as our stream extraction condition? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14615671/whats-the-real-reason-to-not-use-the-eof-bit-as-our-stream-extraction-condition bit. The next iteration wouldn't occur. However many text editors have a dirty secret. They're lying to you when you save a text..
“Best” Input File Formats for C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14699829/best-input-file-formats-for-c information on as a new user may have some support tools editors beyond vi. Though the software users will generally be computer.. Not in binary but there are many excellent SQLite browsers editors out there. I like SQLite Expert Personal on Windows and sqliteman..
What are the advantages of using more then 1 code file for a project? (C++) [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15580539/what-are-the-advantages-of-using-more-then-1-code-file-for-a-project-c directly to a given identifier that is provided in many editors and development environments such as Microsoft Visual C there..
C++ MFC vs .NET? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1637581/c-mfc-vs-net libraries so my tools like 3D model viewers and level editors all looked pretty sweet. Most applications I wrote created the..
Why isn't C/C++'s “#pragma once” an ISO standard? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1695807/why-isnt-c-cs-pragma-once-an-iso-standard it by hand is frustrating waste of time. Although many editors can generate include guards this doesn't help much Editor generates..
Good IDE/editor for C++ suited to my tastes http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1754020/good-ide-editor-for-c-suited-to-my-tastes depending on who likes what . I would like to know which editors IDE would be best suited for a beginner and then what I would.. line scripts though I am a bit rusty . I have used several editors such as emacs to a basic level and several IDE's that are more..
How to make SIMPLE C++ Makefile? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2481269/how-to-make-simple-c-makefile a series of spaces can look the same and indeed there are editors that will silently convert tabs to spaces or vice versa which..
Why does C++ not have reflection? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/359237/why-does-c-not-have-reflection challenges I guess the uses of reflection are well known editors can be more easily written program code will be smaller mocks..
Comprehensive tutorial for beginners on how to write Windows GUI programs http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3726642/comprehensive-tutorial-for-beginners-on-how-to-write-windows-gui-programs 1. Use lots of computer programs word processors image editors and what else you're interested in to see what can be done with..
Why does the “static” keyword have so many meanings in C and C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4615192/why-does-the-static-keyword-have-so-many-meanings-in-c-and-c previous code it would add another keyword so simple text editors which are keyword aware but not syntax aware would not know..
Best C++ IDE for *nix [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/79210/best-c-ide-for-nix Code blocks And of course everyone's favourite text based editors vi vim emacs Its true that vim and emacs are very powerful tools..
Running small C++ programs in Visual Studio without creating projects http://stackoverflow.com/questions/880803/running-small-c-programs-in-visual-studio-without-creating-projects also use it to help integrate the compiler into various editors that let you call external tools like UltraEdit Zeus Editor.. batch file that I use to integrate several compilers into editors like the above. This batch file handles several compilers including.. . But I find it makes running these things from various editors pretty simple. I can quickly hit a few keys that I've assigned..
Ignore byte-order marks in C++, reading from a stream http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8880548/ignore-byte-order-marks-in-c-reading-from-a-stream ss str ss val However it fails on text files created with editors inserting a BOM byte order mark at the beginning of the first..