c++ Programming Glossary: elaborated
What's an enum class and why should I care? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14041711/whats-an-enum-class-and-why-should-i-care might be excessive detail but class does not go into the elaborated type specifier if forward declaring the enumerated type as in..
friend declaration not forward declaring http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14114956/friend-declaration-not-forward-declaring friend D error no type name D in scope friend class D OK elaborated type speciļ¬er declares new class Based on my reading of the.. the the third declaration my friend class B should be an elaborated type specifier declaring a new class . I am just starting to..
What are all the member-functions created by compiler for a class? Does that happen all the time? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3734247/what-are-all-the-member-functions-created-by-compiler-for-a-class-does-that-hap are moveable . Note that these rules are a bit more elaborated as the C 03 rules and make more sense in practice. For an easier..
Grammar of a C++ Translation Unit http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4335024/grammar-of-a-c-translation-unit decl specifier seq contains either a class specifier an elaborated type specifier with a class key 9.1 or an enum specifier . In..
Another bug in g++/Clang? [C++ Templates are fun] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4420828/another-bug-in-g-clang-c-templates-are-fun Will typename T K ignore function names 3.4.4 3 says about elaborated type specifiers which typename ... is one of If the name is..
Is the typedef-name optional in a typedef declaration? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6399898/is-the-typedef-name-optional-in-a-typedef-declaration simple type specifier class specifier enum specifier elaborated type specifier cv qualifier Since Ā§7 Ā¶5 says that typedef names..
a class-key must be declared when declaring a friend http://stackoverflow.com/questions/656948/a-class-key-must-be-declared-when-declaring-a-friend incorrect answer . The C 03 standard says in 11.4 An elaborated type specifier shall be used in a friend declaration for a class... it footnotes that with The class key of the elaborated type specifier is required. GCC is the only compiler that I..
Making a template parameter a friend? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/702650/making-a-template-parameter-a-friend how name lookup proceeds for the identifier in an elaborated type specifier. If the identifier resolves to a class name or.. the identifier resolves to a class name or enum name the elaborated type specifier introduces it into the declaration the same way.. to a typedef name or a template type parameter the elaborated type specifier is ill formed. Note this implies that within..
What's the scope of inline friend functions? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8207633/whats-the-scope-of-inline-friend-functions nor a template id and the declaration is a function or an elaborated type specifier the lookup to determine whether the entity has..
How does this has_member class template work? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9117603/how-does-this-has-member-class-template-work in which the lookup occurs. Note Looking up a name in an elaborated type specifier or base specifier for instance ignores all non..