c++ Programming Glossary: elapsed
Why is transposing a matrix of 512x512 much slower than transposing a matrix of 513x513? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11413855/why-is-transposing-a-matrix-of-512x512-much-slower-than-transposing-a-matrix-of i j i j int t clock for int i 0 i SAMPLES i transpose int elapsed clock t std cout Average for a matrix of MATSIZE elapsed SAMPLES.. elapsed clock t std cout Average for a matrix of MATSIZE elapsed SAMPLES Changing MATSIZE lets us alter the size duh . I posted..
How to Calculate Execution Time of a Code Snippet in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1861294/how-to-calculate-execution-time-of-a-code-snippet-in-c #include ctime #endif Returns the amount of milliseconds elapsed since the UNIX epoch. Works on both windows and linux. int64.. li Get the amount of 100 nano seconds intervals elapsed since January 1 1601 UTC and copy it to a LARGE_INTEGER structure...
Microsecond resolution timestamps on Windows http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2414359/microsecond-resolution-timestamps-on-windows and QueryPerformanceFrequency these can only give you an elapsed time since boot and are not necessarily accurate if they are.. havoc and in general behave strangely reporting negative elapsed times slowing down etc. not just your application. This means..
How to get total cpu usage in Linux (c++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3017162/how-to-get-total-cpu-usage-in-linux-c to get the cpu you need to calculate how many jiffies have elapsed over your interval versus how many jiffies were spend doing..
OpenCV: process every frame http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3907028/opencv-process-every-frame the video cvNamedWindow result CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE double elapsed 0 int last_time 0 int num_frames 0 IplImage frame 0 char key.. failed n break Calculating framerate num_frames elapsed clock last_time int fps 0 if elapsed 1 fps floor num_frames.. framerate num_frames elapsed clock last_time int fps 0 if elapsed 1 fps floor num_frames float 1 float elapsed float CLOCKS_PER_SEC..
Performance of qsort vs std::sort? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4708105/performance-of-qsort-vs-stdsort ary LARGE_SIZE sizeof int comp std cout C quick sort time elapsed static_cast double clock start CLOCKS_PER_SEC n get time again.. ary_copy ary_copy LARGE_SIZE std cout C quick sort time elapsed static_cast double clock start CLOCKS_PER_SEC n This is my result.. start CLOCKS_PER_SEC n This is my result C quick sort time elapsed 0.061 C quick sort time elapsed 0.086 Press any key to continue..
How to interpolate a color sequence? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5860100/how-to-interpolate-a-color-sequence and them back to colorA this need to be based on time elapsed in milliseconds any help will be much appreciated algorithms.. every timePeriod them I calculate the percentage of time elapsed and change the colors the problem with this code is that there..
C++ obtaining milliseconds time on Linux — clock() doesn't seem to work properly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/588307/c-obtaining-milliseconds-time-on-linux-clock-doesnt-seem-to-work-properl an object and calling start on it then calling elapsed to get the number of milliseconds elapsed. I got kind of lucky.. it then calling elapsed to get the number of milliseconds elapsed. I got kind of lucky because I'm working with Qt to begin with..
difference between a macro and a const in c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6393776/difference-between-a-macro-and-a-const-in-c used outside of one very specific context... static double elapsed ... #define ELAPSED ' ' std fixed std setprecision 2 elapsed.. ... #define ELAPSED ' ' std fixed std setprecision 2 elapsed usage for vector string iterator f files.begin f files.end f..
OpenCV won't compile due to unresolved externals — LNK2019 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10472393/opencv-wont-compile-due-to-unresolved-externals-lnk2019 LNK1120 25 unresolved externals 1 1 Build FAILED. 1 1 Time Elapsed 00 00 00.40 Build 0 succeeded 1 failed 0 up to date 0 skipped..
C++ cout printing slowly http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1736267/c-cout-printing-slowly 439 # of memory loads stores approx. 320 000 and 980 000 Elapsed time 52 seconds Then what about printf This is the result of.. 800 # of memory loads stores approx. 70 000 and 180 000 Elapsed time 13 seconds In this machine and compiler printf was much..
Boost::multi_array performance question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/446866/boostmulti-array-performance-question boostMatrix x y 2.345 endTime GetTickCount printf Boost Elapsed time 6.3f seconds n endTime startTime 1000.0 Measure native.. x y X_SIZE 2.345 endTime GetTickCount printf Native Elapsed time 6.3f seconds n endTime startTime 1000.0 return 0 I get.. 1000.0 return 0 I get the following results Boost Elapsed time 12.500 seconds Native Elapsed time 0.062 seconds I can't..
How to SWIG in VS2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5969173/how-to-swig-in-vs2010 error s stopping compilation 1 1 Build FAILED. 1 1 Time Elapsed 00 00 02.10 Build 0 succeeded 1 failed 0 up to date 0 skipped..
Measuring NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access). No observable asymmetry. Why? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7259363/measuring-numa-non-uniform-memory-access-no-observable-asymmetry-why t2 boost posix_time microsec_clock universal_time std cout Elapsed read write by same thread that allocated on core core t2 t1.. t2 boost posix_time microsec_clock universal_time std cout Elapsed read write by thread on core core t2 t1 std endl int main int.. 7 are on NUMA node 1 which is slightly smaller than node 0 Elapsed read write by same thread that allocated on core 0 00 00 01.767428..