c++ Programming Glossary: dy1
Square detection doesn't find squares http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7731742/square-detection-doesnt-find-squares pt1 Point pt2 Point pt0 double dx1 pt1.x pt0.x double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return.. dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 sqrt dx1 dx1 dy1 dy1 dx2 dx2 dy2 dy2 1e 10 returns sequence.. double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 sqrt dx1 dx1 dy1 dy1 dx2 dx2 dy2 dy2 1e 10 returns sequence of squares detected..
C++ triangle rasterization http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7870533/c-triangle-rasterization ScanLine long x1 long y1 long x2 long y2 long sx sy dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 x y m n k cnt sx x2 x1 sy y2 y1 if sx 0 dx1 1 else if.. sx x2 x1 sy y2 y1 if sx 0 dx1 1 else if sx 0 dx1 1 else dy1 0 if sy 0 dy1 1 else if sy 0 dy1 1 else dy1 0 m ABS sx n ABS.. y2 y1 if sx 0 dx1 1 else if sx 0 dx1 1 else dy1 0 if sy 0 dy1 1 else if sy 0 dy1 1 else dy1 0 m ABS sx n ABS sy dx2 dx1 dy2..
OpenCV C++/Obj-C: Detecting a sheet of paper / Square Detection http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8667818/opencv-c-obj-c-detecting-a-sheet-of-paper-square-detection cv Point pt2 cv Point pt0 double dx1 pt1.x pt0.x double dy1 pt1.y pt0.y double dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return.. dx2 pt2.x pt0.x double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 sqrt dx1 dx1 dy1 dy1 dx2 dx2 dy2 dy2 1e 10 std vector std.. double dy2 pt2.y pt0.y return dx1 dx2 dy1 dy2 sqrt dx1 dx1 dy1 dy1 dx2 dx2 dy2 dy2 1e 10 std vector std vector cv Point findSquaresInImage..