

c++ Programming Glossary: dwflags

Load an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi


with CryptStringToBinary pass CRYPT_STRING_BASE64HEADER in dwFlags decode the binary key blob into a CERT_PUBLIC_KEY_INFO with..

CoInternetIsFeatureEnabled in Delphi2010


FeatureEntry INTERNETFEATURELIST dwFlags DWORD HRESULT stdcall external 'urlmon.dll' function CoInternetSetFeatureEnabled.. FeatureEntry INTERNETFEATURELIST dwFlags DWORD fEnable BOOL HRESULT stdcall external 'urlmon.dll' begin..

Run-Time Check Failure #0 loading QueryFullProcessImageName from kernel32.dll


__in HANDLE hProcess __in DWORD dwFlags __out_ecount_part lpdwSize lpdwSize LPSTR lpExeName __inout.. WINAPI LPQueryFullProcessImageName HANDLE hProcess DWORD dwFlags LPSTR lpExeName PDWORD lpdwSize WINBASEAPI is used for declaring..

Cannot Load C++ DLL in C#


private unsafe static extern int FormatMessage int dwFlags int lpSource int dwMessageId int dwLanguageId ref String lpBuffer.. 0x00001000 int messageSize 255 string lpMsgBuf int dwFlags FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS.. FORMAT_MESSAGE_IGNORE_INSERTS int retVal FormatMessage dwFlags 0 errorCode 0 ref lpMsgBuf messageSize 0 if 0 retVal return..