c++ Programming Glossary: dwsize
How do I read from a version resource in Visual C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/316626/how-do-i-read-from-a-version-resource-in-visual-c a block of memory for the version info DWORD dummy DWORD dwSize GetFileVersionInfoSize szFilename dummy if dwSize 0 TRACE GetFileVersionInfoSize.. DWORD dwSize GetFileVersionInfoSize szFilename dummy if dwSize 0 TRACE GetFileVersionInfoSize failed with error d n GetLastError.. error d n GetLastError return false std vector BYTE data dwSize load the version info if GetFileVersionInfo szFilename NULL..
SetupDiGetDeviceProperty http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3438366/setupdigetdeviceproperty GUID pClassGuid LPCTSTR pszEnumerator unsigned i j DWORD dwSize dwPropertyRegDataType DEVPROPTYPE ulPropertyType CONFIGRET status.. BYTE szDesc sizeof szDesc The size in bytes dwSize _tprintf TEXT Device Description s n szDesc if SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty.. szHardwareIDs sizeof szHardwareIDs The size in bytes dwSize LPCTSTR pszId _tprintf TEXT Hardware IDs n for pszId szHardwareIDs..
How to download a file with WinHTTP in C/C++? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/822714/how-to-download-a-file-with-winhttp-in-c-c to download an html txt page. For example Variables DWORD dwSize 0 DWORD dwDownloaded 0 LPSTR pszOutBuffer vector string vFileContent.. is nothing left. if bResults do Check for available data. dwSize 0 if WinHttpQueryDataAvailable hRequest dwSize printf Error.. data. dwSize 0 if WinHttpQueryDataAvailable hRequest dwSize printf Error u in WinHttpQueryDataAvailable. n GetLastError..