c++ Programming Glossary: dwordlong
How to write a custom native visualizer DLL for Visual Studio 2012 debugger? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11545418/how-to-write-a-custom-native-visualizer-dll-for-visual-studio-2012-debugger pWhere DWORD nGot from here only when dwVersion 0x20000 DWORDLONG WINAPI GetRealAddress struct tagDEBUGHELPER pThis HRESULT WINAPI.. WINAPI ReadDebuggeeMemoryEx struct tagDEBUGHELPER pThis DWORDLONG qwAddr DWORD nWant VOID pWhere DWORD nGot int WINAPI GetProcessorType..
How to determine CPU and memory consumption from inside a process? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/63166/how-to-determine-cpu-and-memory-consumption-from-inside-a-process sizeof MEMORYSTATUSEX GlobalMemoryStatusEx &memInfo DWORDLONG totalVirtualMem memInfo.ullTotalPageFile Note The name TotalPageFile.. used Same code as in Total Virtual Memory and then DWORDLONG virtualMemUsed memInfo.ullTotalPageFile memInfo.ullAvailPageFile.. Memory RAM Same code as in Total Virtual Memory and then DWORDLONG totalPhysMem memInfo.ullTotalPhys Physical Memory currently..
How can I detect only deleted, changed, and created files on a volume? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7421440/how-can-i-detect-only-deleted-changed-and-created-files-on-a-volume record USN_RECORD recordend USN_JOURNAL_DATA journal DWORDLONG nextid DWORDLONG filecount 0 DWORD starttick endtick starttick.. recordend USN_JOURNAL_DATA journal DWORDLONG nextid DWORDLONG filecount 0 DWORD starttick endtick starttick GetTickCount printf.. return 0 printf Bytes returned u n bytecount nextid DWORDLONG buffer printf Next ID lu n nextid record USN_RECORD USN buffer..