c++ Programming Glossary: disables
Lambdas and std::function http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11774277/lambdas-and-stdfunction even be inlined but here's a working version. Basically it disables argument deduction on the std function part and only deduces..
Performance impact of -fno-strict-aliasing http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1225741/performance-impact-of-fno-strict-aliasing obviously break non carefully written code. Apple's GCC disables strict aliasing by default for this reason. LLVM by contrast..
How to tame the Windows headers (useful defines)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1394910/how-to-tame-the-windows-headers-useful-defines The most commonly used is probably WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN it disables rarely used parts of the API. You can find more on MSDN's Using..
why isn't the copy constructor called [duplicate] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14154290/why-isnt-the-copy-constructor-called another object of the same type. Specifying this option disables that optimization and forces G to call the copy constructor..
C++/WinInet Change Proxy Settings Windows 7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1781616/c-wininet-change-proxy-settings-windows-7 0 DWORD proxyType PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT this proxy type disables any proxy server if proxyName if proxyName 0 proxyType PROXY_TYPE_PROXY..
Why does gcc generate 15-20% faster code if I optimize for SIZE instead of speed? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19470873/why-does-gcc-generate-15-20-faster-code-if-i-optimize-for-size-instead-of-speed to the gcc doc Os enables all O2 optimizations but Os disables the following optimization flags falign functions falign jumps..
_DEBUG vs NDEBUG http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2290509/debug-vs-ndebug _DEBUG when you specify the MTd or MDd option NDEBUG disables standard C assertions. Use them when apropriate ie _DEBUG if..
overloading friend operator<< for template class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4660123/overloading-friend-operator-for-template-class add after the function name here Wno non template friend disables this warning tmp cc6VTWdv.o uppgift4.cc .text 0x180 undefined..
Can I disable exceptions in STL? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/553103/can-i-disable-exceptions-in-stl For MSVC STL defining macro _HAS_EXCEPTIONS 0 disables exceptions in case you link your application with libcmt.lib..
I've heard i++ isn't thread safe, is ++i thread-safe? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/680097/ive-heard-i-isnt-thread-safe-is-i-thread-safe memory unlock enable task switching interrupts where lock disables and unlock enables interrupts. But even then this may not be..
Why does a C/C++ program often have optimization turned off in debug mode? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/69250/why-does-a-c-c-program-often-have-optimization-turned-off-in-debug-mode often the g option on lots of compilers but it also disables most optimizations. In release mode you usually have all sorts..
Does the evil cast get trumped by the evil compiler? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/712334/does-the-evil-cast-get-trumped-by-the-evil-compiler used instead. If you are using Visual Studio's CL.EXE Od disables optimization. This varies from compiler to compiler. Be warned..
Why is copy constructor not being called in this code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7779827/why-is-copy-constructor-not-being-called-in-this-code another object of the same type. Specifying this option disables that optimization and forces G to call the copy constructor..
error : BOOST DISABLE THREADS http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8297652/error-boost-disable-threads improve this question The experimental GCC version 4.7 disables Boost.Threads. See https svn.boost.org trac boost ticket 6165..
std::stoi doesn't exist in g++ 4.6.1 on MinGW http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8542221/stdstoi-doesnt-exist-in-g-4-6-1-on-mingw on this platform which in turn disables the conversion functions you're attempting to use. You can read..
Move capture in lambda http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8640393/move-capture-in-lambda F f This second solution is also cleaner because it disables copying the lambda if the captured type is not copyable. In..
What exactly will happen if I disable C++ exceptions in a project? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/943087/what-exactly-will-happen-if-i-disable-c-exceptions-in-a-project pretty old. Bottom line The option basically enables or disables the tracking of the life spans of all your objects. Such tracking..
Winsock recv not working after shutdown http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9846165/winsock-recv-not-working-after-shutdown use shutdown ConnectSocket SD_SEND which according to msdn disables sending data but not receiving The example on msdn does this..
How to disable return value optimization in Visual Studio 2010? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9941043/how-to-disable-return-value-optimization-in-visual-studio-2010 help. In g there exists flag fno elide constructors which disables RVO. Thnx. c visual studio visual studio 2010 return value..