

c++ Programming Glossary: describes

Which is better option to use for dividing an integer number by 2?


share improve this question Use the operation that best describes what you are trying to do. If you are treating the number as..

C and C++ : Partial initialization of automatic structure


array 10 Case 3 No Initialization The quoted paragraph describes the behavior for Case 3 . The rules regarding Partial Initialization..

How does the friend keyword (Class/Function) break encapsulation in C++?


improve this question Quote from C FAQ which I think describes the situation with friend and encapsulation very well. No If..

Instantiate class from name?


Pattern This is the situation that the Registry Pattern describes Objects need to contact another object knowing only the object..

What is the difference between a definition and a declaration?


this question A declaration introduces an identifier and describes its type be it a type object or function. A declaration is what..

How to make generic computations over heterogeneous argument packs of a variadic template function?


and found out that something does indeed exist This link describes how to convert a parameter pack into a Boost.MPL vector but..

Template specialization based on inherit class


share improve this question This article describes a neat trick http www.gotw.ca publications mxc item 4.htm Here's..

c++/cli pass (managed) delegate to unmanaged code


I read a few articles like this one from MSDN but it describes two different assemblies while I want only one. Here is my code..

Purpose of stdafx.h


file generated by Microsoft Visual Studio IDE wizards that describes both standard system and project specific include files that..

Which, if any, C++ compilers do tail-recursion optimization?


the course of a diploma thesis by Mark Probst. The thesis describes some interesting caveats in the implementation. It's worth reading...

What is the difference between exit() and abort()?


of neither objects. As this is unfortunate the C Standard describes an alternative mechanism which ensures properly termination..

Sharing a global/static variable between a process and DLL


singleton before a few times actually using the method he describes and it works like a charm. Of course you will not be able to..

Accessing arrays by index[array] in C and C++


this question Yes. paragraph 1 C99 standard describes the arguments to the operator One of the expressions shall have..

What is the meaning of “… …” token? i.e. double ellipsis operator on parameter pack


ever. Edit This does appear to be conformant. §8.3.5 3 describes one way to form the parameter list as parameter declaration..

Polymorphism in c++


Standard conversions The C Standard's fourth section describes Standard conversions. The first point summarises nicely from..

Dual emission of constructor symbols


ought to be improved in the future. This newsgroup posting describes a problem with setting breakpoints in constructors due to this..

Making a template parameter a friend?

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/702650/making-a-template-parameter-a-friend Elaborated type specifiers paragraph 2 3.4.4 describes how name lookup proceeds for the identifier in an elaborated..