c++ Programming Glossary: deleteme
C++: Delete this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3150942/c-delete-this or maybe using an auxiliary method void doStuff otherClass.deleteMe this void deleteMe void obj delete obj c delete new operator.. method void doStuff otherClass.deleteMe this void deleteMe void obj delete obj c delete new operator self destruction..
make shared_ptr not use delete http://stackoverflow.com/questions/441306/make-shared-ptr-not-use-delete like boost shared_ptr not to call delete but call ptr deleteMe instead. Also i have a few C styled functions that return a.. caller. boost shared_ptr T ptr new T std mem_fun_ref T deleteMe boost shared_ptr S ptr new S std ptr_fun lib_freeXYZ share..
getting a normal ptr from shared_ptr? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/505143/getting-a-normal-ptr-from-shared-ptr something like shared_ptr t makeSomething mem_fun Type deleteMe i now need to call C styled func that require a pointer to Type...
Is there a way to initialize an array with non-constant variables? (C++) http://stackoverflow.com/questions/972705/is-there-a-way-to-initialize-an-array-with-non-constant-variables-c for int j 0 j x j array i j otherClass.array i j ~MyClass deleteMe void allocate int x int y array new char x for int i 0 i y i.. new char x for int i 0 i y i array i new char y void deleteMe for int i 0 i y i delete array i delete array MyClass operator.. operator const MyClass otherClass if this otherClass deleteMe x otherClass.x y otherClass.y allocate x y for int i 0 i x..