

c++ Programming Glossary: defects

Calculating convexityDefects using OpenCV 2.4 in c++


documentation I thought it would be like this cv Vec4i defects convexityDefects cv Mat contours hull defects Doing this I get.. cv Vec4i defects convexityDefects cv Mat contours hull defects Doing this I get this error OpenCV Error Assertion failed ptnum.. answer I updated the main loop code to std vector Vec4i defects vector cv vector cv Point hull contours.size for int i 0 i contours.size..

Convexity defects C++ OpenCv


defects C OpenCv I would be grateful to you if you could help me with.. separately CvSeq contourPoints CvSeq hullPoints CvSeq defects CvMemStorage storage CvMemStorage strDefects CvMemStorage contourStr.. defectArray 0 strDefects cvCreateMemStorage defects cvCreateSeq CV_SEQ_KIND_GENERIC CV_32SC2 sizeof CvSeq sizeof..