c++ Programming Glossary: defintion
Include static library in static library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12198261/include-static-library-in-static-library have to follow the general rules of a c program only one defintion of a symbol is allowed and you need to prevent potential name..
Vera ++ TCL rule : list all local variables [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13139556/vera-tcl-rule-list-all-local-variables can use a regular expression to check if it's a variable defintion and extract the variable name from a submatch. Also you need.. take as a starting point. I've done parsing for variable defintions with vera to check for various naming conventions but unfortunately..
static member initialization for specialized template class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2342550/static-member-initialization-for-specialized-template-class specified making it not being covered by the one defintion rule for allowing multiple definitions. share improve this..
Where to define C++ class member template function and functors that instantiate it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4315969/where-to-define-c-class-member-template-function-and-functors-that-instantiate Functor types class CalcA and CalcB. Should I A put the defintion and implementation of the two Functor classes all together in..
C++ default destructor http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4837223/c-default-destructor compiler will provide me with a default destructor with no defintion body and thus I think no action . So if I'm finished with an..
deleting memory allocated in static function in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4872803/deleting-memory-allocated-in-static-function-in-c string name in above class for getStringToClass defintion is as follows anotherClass myClass getStringToClass string name..
Calling functions in a DLL from C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/539358/calling-functions-in-a-dll-from-c Step 3 Define the function as an export in the export.def defintion file. EXPORTS IsolatedFunction @1 Step 4 Create a DLL project..
When is a function try block useful? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5612486/when-is-a-function-try-block-useful As some people might think that the syntax of function defintion is incorrect because the syntax doesn't look familiar I've to..