

c++ Programming Glossary: defintion

Include static library in static library


have to follow the general rules of a c program only one defintion of a symbol is allowed and you need to prevent potential name..

Vera ++ TCL rule : list all local variables [closed]


can use a regular expression to check if it's a variable defintion and extract the variable name from a submatch. Also you need.. take as a starting point. I've done parsing for variable defintions with vera to check for various naming conventions but unfortunately..

static member initialization for specialized template class


specified making it not being covered by the one defintion rule for allowing multiple definitions. share improve this..

Where to define C++ class member template function and functors that instantiate it?


Functor types class CalcA and CalcB. Should I A put the defintion and implementation of the two Functor classes all together in..

C++ default destructor


compiler will provide me with a default destructor with no defintion body and thus I think no action . So if I'm finished with an..

deleting memory allocated in static function in C++


string name in above class for getStringToClass defintion is as follows anotherClass myClass getStringToClass string name..

Calling functions in a DLL from C++


Step 3 Define the function as an export in the export.def defintion file. EXPORTS IsolatedFunction @1 Step 4 Create a DLL project..

When is a function try block useful?


As some people might think that the syntax of function defintion is incorrect because the syntax doesn't look familiar I've to..