

c++ Programming Glossary: decoder

How to use c++ objects in c?


to use c objects in c I have 2 projects decoder and dec in my visual studio. One has C code and other has C..

Performance of C++ vs Virtual Machine languages in high frequency finance


bragging rights. I know of one major player's FIX order decoder doing 12000000 field decodes sec. 3Ghz CPU It is C and the guy..

Problem to Decode H264 video over RTP with ffmpeg (libavcodec)


the rest of fragments to it. I send this buffer to decoder. In both cases I have no error ConsumedBytes 0 but I detect.. of this continue reading... AVCDCR is specified to allow decoders to quickly parse all the data they need to decode H264 AVC.. VIDEO STREAM Now you have byte array that tells the decoder how to decode H264 video stream. I believe that you need this..

Efficient way of storing Huffman tree


chunk I will need to output my frequency tree so that the decoder is able to re build its tree and properly decode the encoded..

Use Windows built in MP3 decoder to play audio?


Windows built in MP3 decoder to play audio How do I from C or C use the MP3 decoder supposedly.. decoder to play audio How do I from C or C use the MP3 decoder supposedly built in with Windows since Windows Media Player..

Audio output with video processing with opencv


s n SDL_GetError exit 1 AVCodec aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec.. pCodecCtx pFormatCtx streams videoStream codec Find the decoder for the video stream AVCodec pCodec avcodec_find_decoder pCodecCtx.. decoder for the video stream AVCodec pCodec avcodec_find_decoder pCodecCtx codec_id if pCodec NULL fprintf stderr Unsupported..

Decode audio and video and process both streams — ffmpeg, sdl, opencv


s n SDL_GetError exit 1 AVCodec aCodec avcodec_find_decoder aCodecCtx codec_id if aCodec fprintf stderr Unsupported codec.. pCodecCtx pFormatCtx streams videoStream codec Find the decoder for the video stream AVCodec pCodec avcodec_find_decoder pCodecCtx.. decoder for the video stream AVCodec pCodec avcodec_find_decoder pCodecCtx codec_id if pCodec NULL fprintf stderr Unsupported..