c++ Programming Glossary: csample
Using v-table thunks to chain procedure calls http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1090755/using-v-table-thunks-to-chain-procedure-calls 02 06 68695.aspx The thunk he used was as follows thunk CSample QueryInterface`adjustor 4 ' sub DWORD PTR esp 4 4 this sizeof.. 4 ' sub DWORD PTR esp 4 4 this sizeof lpVtbl jmp CSample QueryInterface As he describes you have a class that implements..
C++: overloading ++ for both pre and post increment http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15244094/c-overloading-for-both-pre-and-post-increment SampleObject and SampleObject results correctly. class CSample public int m_iValue just to directly fetch inside main CSample.. public int m_iValue just to directly fetch inside main CSample m_iValue 0 CSample int val m_iValue val Overloading for Pre.. just to directly fetch inside main CSample m_iValue 0 CSample int val m_iValue val Overloading for Pre Increment int CSample..