c++ Programming Glossary: crypto
encrypt-decrypt single block with AES and Crypto++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11082432/encrypt-decrypt-single-block-with-aes-and-crypto nvp d.ProcessAndXorBlock cipher xblock plain catch ... c cryptography crypto block cipher share improve this question AES.. cipher xblock plain catch ... c cryptography crypto block cipher share improve this question AES in ECB mode..
C++ handling very large integers http://stackoverflow.com/questions/124332/c-handling-very-large-integers implementation. For example http www.gnu.org software gnu crypto contains an RSA implementation. It has the same license as GMP...
Modular Exponentiation for high numbers in C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2207006/modular-exponentiation-for-high-numbers-in-c a detail but the basic idea works and this is how real crypto code might do large mod exponentiation although not with 32..
starting smartcard programming http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2699538/starting-smartcard-programming which gives a common abstraction above all types of crypto devices. Nearly all smart card vendors provide a PKCS#11 library..
send RSA public key to iphone and use it to encrypt http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4211484/send-rsa-public-key-to-iphone-and-use-it-to-encrypt make RSA key pair I know how to do this using openssl's crypto library On server send the public key to iphone and keep the.. bytes. I don't know how to do 2~4. Anyone knows iphone c cryptography openssl rsa share improve this question This should..
C++ Graphics Library in Visual Studio and Eclipse http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4496541/c-graphics-library-in-visual-studio-and-eclipse
AES with padding pkcs7 c++ code http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4508749/aes-with-padding-pkcs7-c-code I would also like to add the pkcs7 padding. I'm using the crypto lib in Linux Driver.cpp #include stdafx.h #include cryptopp.. crypto lib in Linux Driver.cpp #include stdafx.h #include cryptopp dll.h #include cryptopp default.h #include crypto osrng.h.. #include stdafx.h #include cryptopp dll.h #include cryptopp default.h #include crypto osrng.h using CryptoPP AutoSeededRandomPool..
MD5 and SHA1 C++ hashing library http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4678447/md5-and-sha1-c-hashing-library need to generate two hashes from a string. I've tried with crypto and mhash and I didn't manage to make them work also with http..
Adding static libcurl to Code::Blocks IDE http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6243638/adding-static-libcurl-to-codeblocks-ide make sure it contains the following curl rtmp idn ssl ssh2 crypto z ws2_32 wldap32 winmm gdi32 . Note that order is important... is already listed and covered by Link libraries . The 'libcrypto.a' seems to cover the same references as the 'libeay32.a' so.. want your application to be 'fully self contained' use 'libcrypto.a' instead like in the screenshot. If you wish to link dynamically..
Undefined reference to Eclipse C++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7860657/undefined-reference-to-eclipse-c an external lib for example I'm try to work on openssl and crypto I receive the error undefined reference to function . I dunno..
encrypt-decrypt single block with AES and Crypto++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11082432/encrypt-decrypt-single-block-with-aes-and-crypto decrypt single block with AES and Crypto I need to encrypt single block of AES. I cant use any modes.. the counter only increases after the first block encrypt . Crypto seems to be a higher level Crypto API so it is better not to.. first block encrypt . Crypto seems to be a higher level Crypto API so it is better not to directly call the AES implementation..
C++ AES Encryption Class http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12151178/c-aes-encryption-class aes share improve this question I recommend Crypto a really easy to use C library. It works in different operating..
Load an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1231178/load-an-x509-pem-file-into-windows-cryptoapi an X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi I'm new to the whole Crypto thing so I beg some basic pointers... X509 PEM file into Windows CryptoApi I'm new to the whole Crypto thing so I beg some basic pointers. I need to load .PEM X509.. .PEM X509 BEGIN RSA XXX KEY END RSA XXX KEY into a Windows Crypto Api context to use with C I found examples for Python and .NET..
MS Crypto API behavior on Windows XP vs Vista/7 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4495247/ms-crypto-api-behavior-on-windows-xp-vs-vista-7 Crypto API behavior on Windows XP vs Vista 7 I'm trying to understand.. CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT FOR Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider CryptAcquireContext success. CryptAcquireContext.1.. CRYPTOGRAPHIC SUPPORT FOR Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider Prototype CryptAcquireContext success. CryptAcquireContext.1..
How to get unique hardware/software signature from a windows pc in c/c++ http://stackoverflow.com/questions/534215/how-to-get-unique-hardware-software-signature-from-a-windows-pc-in-c-c
Crypto library for C++ [closed] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/674401/crypto-library-for-c library for C closed Duplicate of this one. I'm about to embark.. c cryptography rsa share improve this question Crypto has a very wide range of supported encryption techniques. It..
How can I work around warning C4505 in third party libraries? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8107844/how-can-i-work-around-warning-c4505-in-third-party-libraries in third party libraries I've got a project that uses Crypto for a few hashing functions. Recently I decided to clean things.. c cppdev cryptopp561 cryptopp misc.h 548 warning C4505 'CryptoPP StringNarrow' unreferenced local function has been removed..
Why use Precompiled Headers (C/C++)? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/903228/why-use-precompiled-headers-c-c comment lib Sfc.lib #pragma comment lib Version.lib Crypto Libraries #ifdef _DEBUG #pragma comment lib cryptlibd.lib #else..