c++ Programming Glossary: core2
How to use z3 split clauses of unsat cores & try to find out unsat core again http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13270696/how-to-use-z3-split-clauses-of-unsat-cores-try-to-find-out-unsat-core-again p1 std cout s.check qs.size qs 0 n expr_vector core2 s.unsat_core std cout core2 n std cout size core2.size n for.. qs.size qs 0 n expr_vector core2 s.unsat_core std cout core2 n std cout size core2.size n for unsigned i 0 i core2.size i.. core2 s.unsat_core std cout core2 n std cout size core2.size n for unsigned i 0 i core2.size i std cout core2 i n ..
How to compile C++11 with clang 3.2 on OSX lion? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14115314/how-to-compile-c11-with-clang-3-2-on-osx-lion 2 mdisable fp elim masm verbose munwind tables target cpu core2 target linker version 128.2 v resource dir usr local Cellar.. 2 mdisable fp elim masm verbose munwind tables target cpu core2 target linker version 128.2 v resource dir usr local Cellar..
C++ Timer function to provide time in nano seconds http://stackoverflow.com/questions/275004/c-timer-function-to-provide-time-in-nano-seconds other dual core CPUs having similar issues p4 dual p4 ht core2 dual core2 quad phenom quad . EDIT 2013 07 16 It looks like.. core CPUs having similar issues p4 dual p4 ht core2 dual core2 quad phenom quad . EDIT 2013 07 16 It looks like there is some..
Timers to measure latency http://stackoverflow.com/questions/305615/timers-to-measure-latency
Variance in RDTSC overhead http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6432669/variance-in-rdtsc-overhead 1 than on core 0. Compile command is g Wall mssse3 mtune core2 O3 o test.bin test.cpp The code that GCC generates for the core..
how to achieve 4 FLOPs per cycle http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8389648/how-to-achieve-4-flops-per-cycle mulpd 's if possible. Same applies to gcc 4.6.2 O2 march core2 . gcc O2 march nocona seems to keep the order of fp operations..
Xcode 4.3 and C++11 include paths http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9345271/xcode-4-3-and-c11-include-paths relaxed aliasing masm verbose munwind tables target cpu core2 target linker version 128.2 v resource dir usr bin .. lib clang..